Chapter 23

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I go back into the bathroom one more time to comb hair. I can feel Pierson getting closer, so I am almost out of time.

I look at my olive-green dress and jean jacket.

"You look amazing Kayde," Egan tells me while wrapping his arms around me.

"Thanks, he's here," I tell Egan while exiting the bathroom and opening the door before Pierson can knock.

"Hey beautiful," Pierson smiles while grabbing me into a hug.

"Are you ready?" he asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I tease while pulling on my booties and zipping them.

"I'll meet you back here at two o'clock," Egan adds while giving me a brief hug.

"Okay, bye," I call while he walks out the front door.

Pierson holds his hand out to me, I take it, and we walk out of my apartment and down to his Jeep.

My stomach is in knots thinking about officially meeting the pack and his parents.

"Tell me everything I should know about Nate and Ivey Greene," I press him.

"My dad is a lot like me, I've learned everything I know about being an Alpha from him. My mom is my biggest fan and very smart like you," he smiles while glancing over at me.

"I'm excited to meet them," I smile back.

"You don't have to be nervous; they already love you," he assures while resting his hand on my knee.

We pull into a parking lot and I keep taking deep breaths to reassure myself. I grab my water bottle and then hop out of the Jeep.

Pierson holds his hand out to me and I take it as we make our way to a large podium. We have to read our new escape proposal to the entire pack.

We make our way to the podium and I offer smiles to all the pack members beaming at us. We reach the podium and I hold Pierson's hand tighter. He glances at me in reassurance and then squeezes my hand.

After I introduce myself, Pierson does all the talking. I notice his parents right away. They are sitting in the front row; they look like him.

They both smile at me when they notice my stare and Pierson's mom, Ivey, waves excitedly when she catches my eye.

I give her a small wave and then move my attention back to Pierson's proposal.

"Are there any questions at this time?" he commands the entire room. It's so silent that I am hyperaware of my own breathing.

"Yes, Waylon," Pierson nods.

"Alpha, I have one concern. Have you taken into consideration how things will work, once Kaydence becomes fully apart of one pack? I just mean, how will she be able to-" a low growl cuts him off.

I tense next Pierson.

"She is your Luna, address her as such," Pierson demands.

"I meant no disrespect Luna. I am just concerned about your active role in both packs," Waylon continues.

"I am connected to both packs. I will always be connected to both packs. It shouldn't matter who I stand next to as my mate, but that I am standing with both packs trying to come up with a solution so we can all better understand each other," I boldly reply.

"Woot," a pack member claps. My eyes fix on Kai. He sits in the back row offering me a glowing smile.

A couple other pack members cheer in agreement.

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