Part 2

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It was now the morning after. Tomorrow I'm getting picked up and I have no idea how I'm going to sneak out the house. I wake up groaning in pain. I was home late last night due to speaking with Sarina, so as you can guess I was severely punished. One black eye, many cuts and bruises and one banging headache. It makes me wonder if going on this weeks training trip is going to be worth it when I come back.

I try to push all that out my mind as I push my blanket off me and raise myself off the floor, yes I have no bed, that was sold when Andrew ran out of money for alcohol and drugs. Todays pain was one of the bad days. But I still has to get up and do my chores. I remember to make plenty of breakfast and clean all the dishes before Andrew and Charlotte even wake up.

"Morning brat" Charlotte spat at me,

"Morning Charlotte, Morning Andrew" i said as they both came trudging down the stairs. " breakfast is on the table, and the coffee is at your seats also" i claim hopeful for no more beatings today, my body cannot take it. I continued to mop the floor making sure it's clean.

"Ahh you can do something right in your life" Andrew claimed, "wait. What's this" he soon spun around as soon as he saw his plate.

"Um it's the bacon baps you asked for" I replied nervous, here we go.

"You stupid little bitch, i know that, why is there three!" He closed in on me,

"Yesterday I only made two and you were still hungry so I made an extra today"

"Well I'm not that hungry today! This is now going to be a waste! I pay for that food! What do you do?" He came closer every second. I start to walk back.

"I'm sorry" I whimper knowing what's coming next.

"Did you expect to have the scraps? Did you really think you were going to eat breakfast today you greedy little shit!" He punched me straight in the same black eye. His favourite spot. I cowered as he raised his fist again. This time it was a jab to the ribs causing me to double over in pain and fall to the floor. A few kicks later he was content with his punishment and went back to eating his food. "Pick yourself up you pathetic girl" he spat his food out as he spoke.

Not wanting any more I quickly pick myself up before dismissing myself to my room. Is a week of happiness really going to be worth it. At least I'm not here. I quickly grab my makeup cover up the new found bruise on my face. Let's hope this one doesn't swell, Sarina cannot under no circumstance know about this.

I begin to pack my bags for tomorrow, making a mental note or grab my boots from the bush before I get in the car tomorrow. Throwing everything in the bag, I climb under my blanket it may only be 11am but im pretty sure sleeping is much better than being downstairs with them. At least this way I can hope to arrive at training tomorrow with less bruises and less pain. I close my eyes and hope to get some sleep.

It must have worked because I'm woken up by screaming and shouting, "JULIA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE" oh no.

I shot up and out of the room making my way down the stairs in a new record I would say.

"Yes Andrew?" I reply with no emotion.

"It's 4pm and you're not even starting on tea? We don't let you stay here for free you know!" Andrew once again spat.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me I'll do it now" I reply hopeful that the apology would stop any further beating.

"Whatever you worthless piece of shit. Get it made now. And so god help me if I have to tell you one more time to clean the dishe..."

"I'll get to it now" I reply quickly and scurry away like a rat.

4pm huh I must've slept for a while, 5 hours straight. Impressive. I think to myself as I start making tea.

1 hour later tea is ok the table, Andrew and Charlotte are eating happily and I'm doing the dishes. Again. I hope I get to eat today. Yesterday all I had was the rotten carrot in the fridge and right now my belly is threatening me to make a noise. I don't want to sound ungrateful but I'm starving. As if she could read my mind Charlotte spoke up,

"There is a salad in the fridge, I got it free from work, it's half eaten but be thankful you're getting anything" she spots out as she chews on her burger I've just made for her.

"Thank you" I mumble as I grab the half eaten salad and make my way up the the room. Bring on tomorrow.

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