Part 6

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It was now the next morning, and let me tell you being woke up by Ellen white is an honour. We had an early morning practice. My first training session. Last night Ellen was telling me how these camps usually go, and helped me get the idea of how everything flows around here. She also apologised for Leah's behaviour and everyone that followed suit. Apparently it's something they do with rookies, whatever that word means.

Ellen accompanied me to breakfast to make sure I don't sit alone again, which I am eternally thankful to her for. I grab a banana and make my way to sit next to Ellen. We were one of the first people down, so we sat on the only table that had people on. Alessia Russo, Ella toone, Mary earps and Jill Scott were all sat and already having a conversation. However, it soon became silent as soon as I sat.

"Everyone this is Julia, Julia this is everyone" she started pointing at the players, "this is Lessie, Ella, Mary, and good old scotty there." Of course I already knew who they all were.

"Hi nice to meet you all." I say trying to be polite, there was a mumble of "you too" "welcome" and "hiya" before they went back to their conversation, and Ellen joined in. Even though I am sat with people I still feel left out. Like it would be better if I sat on my own. I quickly finished my banana before throwing the peel in the bin, I left the room telling Ellen I'm going to training early to get ahead. Knowing my luck, as I left I ran into a few people, before I could look up I knew who it was.

"Her watch out rookie!" Jordan nobbs, and where Jordan was I knew Leah wasn't far behind, and just on cue,

"Can you do anything right?" She questions walking past me into the room.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly shouted before they left the hallway. It's just something they do with every new player, I'll get use to it. Right?

And with that I head to my room and grab my football gear, then straight to the training pitch.

I do a couple of laps around the pitch to warm up first, knowing the girls are going to be here in half an hour I get ahead and start taking shots at the net, making sure to dribble before hand, passing the fake defenders planted into the grass.

I hadn't realised how long I've been out here until I hear Sarinas voice, "Julia, come join the team for a second. I turn around and at the other side of the pitch the whole squad was there watching me. My face blushed red as I ran over.

"Not bad rookie, not bad at all." Someone commented as I join the team circle. I looked up and saw that it was Rachel daly. I smile gratefully at her and Sarina starts.

"Alright so first training session back, we are going to take it easy, show each other where we are and what we have learn whilst we were away. Defenders I want you to team up with a midfielder and then an attacker, and mix it up, don't go with who is in your club. Finally everyone this is Julia, she is joining us this camp, to test her skill and to see if she is a possible candidate going forward to cover Ellen's role." She finishes everyone nods and finds their partner. "Julia you will be with Ellen this full session." She quickly points out, I nod and make my way to her.

Everyone else completes a series of drills as a team as I'm on the other end of the field, doing a bleep test. What a way to start training.

"That's it Julia keep going." Ellen encouraged my from the sideline as I make it to level 8.

"Please just call me Lia" I panted back at her. I have always hated my full name, I'm sure when the hatred came in or why but I insist people don't call me by it.

"Sorry, lia" she apologised. I kept running, each minute harder than the last. "Level 11 Lia" she reminded me. At this point I'm sure my face is bright red. One more level and I would have finished the test. "Final level!" She claims excitedly. But just as the beep goes I couldn't make it passed the line. I curse to myself and collapse on the floor, I think that's the most I've ran in my life.

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