Part 18

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I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't leave this for a whole 10 months for a new update...

Julie's pov:
I begin stirring awake again. This time alone, once again adjusting my eyes to the light. No one in the room and no one in the hallway. My stomach had mysteriously healed. How long has it been? I look around "anyone there" it starts off as a simple question, "hello!" I shouted. Completely alone. Again.

I push myself up and walk out of my room. As soon as I walk through the doors I was back in Charlotte and Andrews house. No no no not here, I feel my lungs gasping for air. I stop making a sound altogether when I hear Andrews voice, "ugh you're still alive? What a shame, go do the dishes you useless piece of shit" I stumble and rush to the kitchen sink,

"Wait a minute, where's Millie? Where's Rach? And the rest of the girls?" I stood up to him. For the first time ever I found the confidence. Who am I? He just laughed in my face,

"They didn't want you anymore, as soon as they realised how big of a burden you are to them, they all left" he laughs again "no one actually wants you"

They left. They always leave. How did I not see this coming. Nothing ever lasts forever. I feel tears threatening to run free down my cheek,

"Hurry up and clean those dishes, I want dinner on the table by 5 no late or earlier, got to have some use in you" Andrew spat as he walked away.

Millie's POV:

We went back to the hotel whilst Julie was eating so we could also grab a bite. Today was a good day, I look at Rach and smiled as we picked up a maccies.

"Told ya she would make it" I grinned at her, not being able to take the smile off my face,

"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm just glad she is finally safe" she smiles to herself, "we eating this at the hospital right?" She says holding up our maccies order,

"Of course, what a stupid question" I chuckle. Rach chuckled too, and we both jammed out to the radio, both in a real good mood. 

As soon as we got to the hospital we went straight to Julie's room with our food, as we got to the corridor, we witnessed about 5 doctors all surrounding a gurney, rushing around shouting random medical talk. Me and Rach looked at each other. Our thought processes both the same. That's Julie's room.

The maccies was dropped to the floor immediately as we both dashed towards her, her frail body unconscious once again and what looks like blood surrounding her stomach. This isn't looking good. Two nurses stopped us before we could get any closer, "please we know her, she is our friend please!" I shout trying to rush passed them,

"She is being sent off to surgery again, I will notify you when she is out please make your way to the waiting room" she said with a struggle trying to keep me back from Julie. I felt a hand on my shoulder,

"Let's them work, they have a better chance of saving her than we do" Rach had a very good point,

"What happened?" I asked the nurse and stop fighting against her,

"She ripped through her stitches and didn't tell anyone, we don't know how long she has been bleeding out for, but they are doing everything they can to save her" the nurse replied, almost like she has said the exact same thing a thousand times.

"To save her?" I questioned, "it's really not looking good is it?" I asked this time my mood dampened by a thousand,

"Let's just make our way to the waiting room" the nurse said, I was too worried to disobey, me and Rach followed her to the waiting room, completely ignoring the mess we left on the floor as we walked passed it.

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