Part 16

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Hey guys... it's been a while... I'm so sorry :( I've had so much school stuff to do but here we go, part 16 :)

Julia's POV:

As I start to wake up from what feels like a very shitty nap, I hear voices from around me

"Hey Julia?" I hear one of them call my name, but I'm too tired to try recognise the voice, I try opening my eyes and a blinding light causes me to squint. I open and close them trying to get use to the light.

"Where am I?" I ask puzzled looking around, I haven't even noticed who is accompanying me in this room,

"The hospital Julia" I look to the owner of the voice, what's Millie doing here? She must have caught my puzzled look as she continued, "don't you remember what happened?" She questions me, I felt a hand squeeze mine and I look to the other side of the bed, Rach? What?

"I.. umm..." I try racking my brain trying to remember what happened, "I went home, they were mad, ha really mad, I try persuading them not to hurt me..." I trail off turning my speech into thoughts in my own head. I suddenly realise. They tried to kill me, I should be dead? Am I dead? Wait no? Rachel Millie and Leah turned up. "I'm not dead" I whisper quietly.

"No, no you're not" I can hear the tears in Millie's voice as she confirms it all.

"Why?" I ask confused, I look up at them both, and they look back at me with confused looks on their faces,

"Why?" Rachel repeats my question in more of a confused tone,

"Yes, why? How? I was stabbed? I went? And I never wanted to wake back up. Why didn't you just leave me?" I raised my voice a little, wincing at the pain it was causing me to do so,

"Julia? How could you ask this? We couldn't leave you, how could we let you leave?" Millie's voice turned serious, I knew I was about to start an argument but I didn't care at this point, everything would've just been easier if I'd have died.

"Don't you realise? I have nothing in this life. I am nothing. What's the point? My only way to survive just stabbed me and ran away. I have nothing!" I started shouting at this point, causing more and more pain on my new wounds,

"Hey take it easy" rach says as she watches the pain in my face, pushing me back to lay me down. As my head hits the pillow a tear falls from my face.

"I have nothing." I whispered allowing myself to accept the truth,

"That's not true" a voice intrudes my thoughts, "you have us, and you'll always have us" Millie grabs onto my hand and holds it tightly,

"You've only just met me, you don't care, you couldn't possibly care for someone like me" I sat back drowning in my own thoughts. What am I going to do now? I'm completely alone? I have no where to go? I have no home.

"We care kiddo" Rachel's voice quietly invading my thoughts,

"We care so much, we drove to your house when we heard you were going home, we didn't care how but we were getting you out of that abusive household, we care so much I almost lost it when I saw your lifeless body being put into the ambulance. I care so much Julia, and I may seem like a crazy person because I haven't even known you a week, but I care, and don't ever forget that" Millie continues from Rach, my eyes widen as she mentions the abusive household,

"How did you know?" I ask quietly, they knew what I was asking.

"We just did kiddo, and we knew we couldn't let you go back" Rach reassures me

"I have nothing left. I don't even have a house anymore. My boots are just about falling apart, I can no longer play the sport I love for comfort. I have no one. I'm all alone again." I allow myself to wallow in self pity, before feeling a presence on the bed bedside me,

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