Part 9

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It's a new day, practice with the girls instead of isolated I individuell practice with Ellen. Time to make more friends. I think to myself as I dress in the bathroom. I woke up early by myself this time, wanting to prove to Ellen I want this, and I'm not this lazy useless girl everyone thinks. After finishing up in the bathroom I walk out to see Ellen already awake and dressed.

"You don't have to go in the bathroom to get dressed kid, we're both girls" she announces first.

"Just want to give you your privacy." I say back simply. "I'm gonna head down to breakfast, see you there?"

"Yeah sure" Ellen replies before I leave, hopefully it's too early for anyone else to also be there, after last nights fiasco with Millie and rach, I don't think I can handle another interrogation until I get my story straight. Even if I have to lie.

I enter the room and tony the chef smiles straight away, "you're early this morning, eager to train?" He questions me handing me a banana and yoghurt,

"You know it?" I smile back taking a seat in the far corner, hoping to avoid interaction. After finishing my yoghurt and moving on to my banana, the doors open again. Leah. Jordan. Beth. Lauren. And of course Ellen. Todays going to be a good day I think to myself as they collect their food. Ellen points towards me and they all head over. Oh no. How quickly can I inhale this banana? But before I know it it's too late.

"Alright kid?" Ellen asks as she sat next to me, Leah at the opposite end of the table.

"Great thanks" i reply, almost a whisper. At this point I'm asking to be bullied.

"She must be great, I mean she is already stealing your spot Ellen." Leah replies coldly.

"I'm not here to steal her spot I promise. I just want to train. Plus I don't think anyone can take Ellen whites spot." I try to defend myself. Is that why they've all been so bitter towards me?

"Yeah whatever" Leah's responds. How can I prove myself? At least now I know why everyone hates me. I almost hate myself. I finish my banana before leaving and head back to the room, hoping not to bump into anyone on the way I take the stairs. 9 flights. Way to start off the morning right.

After reaching my room I flip onto the bed, and pull out my phone for the first time since arriving. I already know the threatening messages I've already received from my dearest foster parents, you can simply hear the worry through the phone, like this one, the very first message received from Andrew: "where the fuck are you, you selfish ungrateful bitch, breakfast hasn't even been made and there are dishes left from last night." Or the new message received this morning: "if you even think about telling the police about us, I will rip you limb from limb, get back home now or you're a dead women." Pleasant, just how I wanted to start my morning. I switch my phone back off and throw it into the draw. I grab my kit and make my way down to the changing rooms.

As I arrive at the changing rooms I notice new training tops at allocated seats. Great. Now I need to change without anyone walking in. I quickly throw down my bag and take off my top, trying to replace it with the new one without getting caught. Just as I was about to slip on the new top, I hear the door open. I throw the top on me and turn around. Of course it was mills and rach. I sigh and put on my boots, grab a ball and try leave the room. But Millie grabs my wrist.

"Lia, what was that?" She questions me with a sad face,

"It's the new training top, look everyone has one" I point around the room, sounding dumbfounded.

"You know what I mean. The marks Lia" Millie's eyes only softens more.

"Oh, I was an adventurous child. Always hurting myself" I laugh and put on a smile, whilst pulling away my arm from her grasp and head towards the door once more. "I'll see you guys out there" I smile back at them once more before making a swift exit towards the field. If they find out anymore I know I can't stay here for any longer. If they found out, Andrew and Charlotte would literally kill me.

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