Part 21

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Julia's POV:

Me and millie made our way inside after watching Rach leave. "I'm gonna head out for a bit"

"Why?" Millie questions,

"Out of habit I guess" I reply. I just really want to reflect on what has happened lately, with no distractions.

"You don't know the area though, what if you get lost?" Millie looks worried

"I'll be fine, I'll keep my phone on me" I smiled back, giving Millie the confidence to nod. I head out with the new phone I received. I really have no idea where I'm going but I just let my feet take the way. Eventually, after an hour or so, I find a park with a cute little lake near by. I watch some ducks and geese swimming by without a care in the world. Then my brain interrupts me.

'She isn't going to want me for long, then what am I going to do? I'll be alone again. She probably just pitied me but as soon as the guilt disappears I'll be alone again. Everyone leaves eventually. Even the kind people.' These thoughts continue until I feel the tears running down my cheeks. I sigh "I don't deserve to be here." I say out loud with no one around. After drowning in my thoughts, I notice the sun beginning to set, and decided to make my way back to Mills. I reach for my phone to send her a message saying I'm fine and I'll be back soon. Also I kinda need the directions home, maybe I am a little lost. As I turn my phone on I realise. "Shit!" I scream into nothingness. We didn't set my phone up. I don't know how to set it up. Millie is going to be so mad. I sigh a sit back down on the bench, hopeless. 'I really do find a way to fuck everything up.' I start lightly sobbing.

Millie's POV:

It's been hours, and now I'm a lot more worried than before. I message Rach

Millie: have you heard from Lia?

Rach: no why?

Millie: she left for a walk hours ago and hasn't even messaged, I'm worried

Rach: she will be ok, just give her some time, she probably just needs to think after everything she has been through.

Millie: I guess you're right, I'll give her another hour, then I'm going to look for her

Rach: let me know when she is home x

Millie: of course, love ya x

It was in that moment I realise we didn't set up Julia's phones, and she doesn't have anyone's number. Fuck.

Millie: we forgot to set up her phone. What if she is lost and can't message me. I'm going to look for her.

Rach: shit. I'll come back down if you need me

Millie: no. if you miss another training session you're fired. I'll let you know if I find her.

Rach: if you haven't found her by 9am tomorrow I'm coming back down.

I remember Lucy is in London for a couple days for press and photoshoots, I decide to call her for help.

Lucy: hey mate what's up?

Millie: Julia is missing... well not missing more like lost and I need help finding her...

Lucy: say no more, I'm on my way, send me your address.

I send Lucy my address and she gets here within 20 minutes.

"Where you speeding" I question her

"No... yes of course I was Lia is missing!" She replied hurriedly, "I'll look north and west of here you look south and east, if we split up we might find her better" she says as she hurried out the door, I didn't have time to get a word in. I just follow hoping her plan would work. We set off in our cars hoping they would help us faster.

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