Part 17

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Eeeeeee it's been so long again 😭 sorry guys- exam season and all, but here is another part to hopefully allow you to forgive me for my lateness :(

Julia's POV:
As I stir awake, I feel a presence next to me breathing slowly into my neck. I keep my eyes closed enjoying the moment for a while, until I hear a camera snap. My eyes snap open and straight to the culprit- Millie.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I shout in a whisper, trying not to wake the sleeping body next to me,

"Just capturing moments" Millie winks as Rachel laughs in the corner, "and by the way, I call captain" she winks at me again.

"Captain of what?" I question as Rach marches over to Millie, slapping her arm,

"No you do not! We can be co-captains" Rach exclaims, causing Leah to stir in her sleep.

"Hey keep it down" I whisper shouted again, making sure they hear me over their bickering, "and what on earth are you talking about?"

"Someone is protective already" Rach jokes as Millie laughs, "you know, captain of your ship, we have already came up with cool nicknames, ju-Leah, or Leah-Lia or Leah times two" before she can continue I interrupt,

"Absolutely not, no!" This time I shout in a louder voice, causing Leah to stir awake.

"What is all this commotion" she groans as she rubs her eyes open, looking around the room, finally her eyes landing on me, "omg I'm so sorry" she jumps out of the bed as if she has offended me or something,

"Wow rejected straight away Jules" Millie laughs as Leah still try's to come to terms with what happened,

"Shut up Mills, and it's ok Leah, I think I fell asleep first, nothing to worry about" I reassure her, she just simply nods whilst trying to hide her obvious blush,

"Anyways!" Millie shouts over the awkwardness in the room, "you have some visitors if you would like to see them?" She questions me, who on earth would want to visit?

"Ummm" the confusion was written all over my face,

"It's Lucy and Kiera, nothing to worry about kiddo" Rach reassures me as she read my reaction perfectly,

"Umm sure" I said with a weary voice, still unsure of why they would want to come see me, Millie leaves to retrieve them I assume, as shortly after Millie returns with both Lucy and Kiera. All of them walking into awkward silence which has been lingering since Millie left.

"Wow, what happened in here" Lucy jokes as she walks in. None of us saying anything so she continues, "alright, how you doing kiddo, ready to get back on the pitch?" She questions jokingly,

"Give me the all clear doc, I'm ready and raring to go" I joke back with her, my fingers subconsciously running over the patch on my stomach covering what must be the stitches.

"Hey, you'll be back soon enough kiddo" Kiera says softly, taking my hands so they don't fidget with the padding. I simply smile at her and try sitting up. I wince in pain, practically falling back down.

"Hey take it easy" Millie practically jumped at my side making sure I was ok, "you want the nurse, is something up, I can get more pain medication if you want"

"Relax mother" I joke with her, her face changing from a serious one to a laugh, "I'm fine" I smile,

"You sure kiddo?" She asks again,

"Yeah, I'm fine" I fake a smile, when deep down I know I'll never truly be fine, right now I was in so much pain, but I've learnt to never let it show.

The conversation starts back up soon again, and me, Rach, Mills, Lucy and Kiera sat around for a couple hours talking none sense as Leah sat in the corner quietly, listening to the conversation.

A couple hours later, Kiera, Lucy and Leah left, leaving me, Rach and mills again. I appreciated their company, it's making me think that they really do care.

A nurse comes through the door, interrupting our conversation on who is better on taking penalty shots, more of an argument then a conversation, but it's keeping me entertained,

"Umm you haven't seen mine properly then, I can curve it straight to the back of the net!" Rach exclaims,

"How can you curve a straight ball Rach" mills argues back, just before tit could get heated, the nurse interrupted,

"Right, Julia, time for tea" the nurse smiles, bringing in some sort of soup and bread. My eyebrows start to furrow as I look at the meal approaching me. That's a big bowl of soup.

"Umm" I turn to Millie and Rach sat beside me as I decide wether to ask the question or not. They both lean towards me, telling me to continue with what I was going to say, "please can I be left alone to eat?" I ask quietly, looking down finding the sheet rather interesting all of a sudden,

"Ugh sure kid" Millie says, with an uncertainty in her voice, I send a quick smile their way as they leave the room. I quickly turn the nurse who has now placed the soup in-front of me,

"Do I have to eat all of it?" I question quickly, she turns to me with a smile on her face, you can tell this is routine for her,

"No of course not, but the more you eat, the faster you can get out of this place" she encourages, I smile knowing she means it for the best, then she leaves. I look at the mountain of a meal in-front of me. A whole slice of bread with a big bowl of soup. How am I going to get out of this one?

I take a couple bites of the bread, dipped partially in the soup, I then turn to pick up the spoon, taking a few mouthfuls of soup. After not even finishing half of the meal I already want to stop. I look around for a solution to make it seem like I've eaten the whole meal. The toilet. My only answer. I slowly lift myself up from the bed, shuffling to the end, grunting in pain with every movement made. Eventually I made my way to the end of the bed. I hoist myself onto my feet, almost keeling over in pain as I do.

"Come on Lia, you've dealt with pain before." I hype myself up, and grab the bowl of soup and make my way to the toilet, throwing every last piece of soup down the toilet and flushing the chain, getting rid of all evidence, before making my way back over to the bed. I put the bowl back on the tray and pick up the bread, splitting it in pieces and throwing it into the empty bowl, to make it look like I've eaten more of it.

Eventually the nurse comes back in and sees the empty tray, "I see you've taken my advise on well" she jokes as she clears the table, I just smile at her, not having the energy to laugh. She notices my low mood. "You feeling ok?" She asks coming over to my bedside, she looks towards the monitors. "Your stats are dropping, why?" She questions herself as I start to feel my head getting dizzier. "Call a doctor in hear ASAP" I hear her call out of the room, now darting around me trying to find the problem. She rips off the sheet laying over me and sees the gathering pool of blood underneath, which has covered the my gown, staining it red, "Dammit Julia you've ripped your stitches!" She calls out as she I feel her applying pressure on my wound. "She is bleeding out in here!" She calls out again, this time I start hearing some beeping coming from over my head, right before I pass out.

I'm sorry it's a short one but I promise I'll update soon :)

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