Part 5

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Dinner went excruciatingly slow. Being stared at by the other players, but it's not just the stares that I hated, it was the pity. Like they all looked sorry for me but did absolutely nothing about it. As I said i would, I didn't eat much dinner. A couple of mouthfuls of mash and half a sausage, I was stuffed. It was the most I've eaten in one sitting in years. As soon as I was finished I placed my tray on the top with the left over food and exited the hallway as fast as I could. Maybe I could prove to them I deserve to be here on the pitch.

As soon as I reach my hotel room, I quickly put my phone on charge before changing into shorts and T-shirt and grabbing my football boots. After grabbing my phone and headphones, I make my way to the door. I don't think I can handle anymore embarrassment from any of the girls today. I run out the room again, passing some of the players I haven't yet been introduced to in the corridor, I throw on my headphones to make it look like I'm not blanking them as I sprint passed them, making sure to take the stairway other than the elevator. Imagine I bumped into someone there, that would be the worst.

After making it down 5 flights of stairs, I start to slow down, knowing no one would come this way. I felt tears start to trickle down my cheeks as I recall everything that has happened as I arrived. Every last bit of embarrassment. I haven't been introduced to the whole team yet and I'm already been thrown to the side. I continue walking down the remaining 4 flights of stairs.

As I reach the bottom I prepare myself for another sprint, planning my pathway, straight to the furthest training pitch. That way I can stay out of everyone's way, hopefully no one will find me, and I can sort out my thoughts. I take one last breathe before taking the plunge and sprinting from the doors of the staircase into another hallway.

Please don't bump into anyone. Please don't bump into anyone. The phrase kept repeating in my head. Please don't bump into any... "UGH" I stumble to the side as I turn the corner and do what I just prayed wouldn't happen.

"Hey Julia, i wanted to speak to you a..." Alex. Of course it was Alex, before he could continue what he was saying I pointed at my headphones in my ears, bent down and grabbed the boots that were now on the floor and continued my sprint. Luckily for me he didn't follow. I make a quick detour to the sports hall and grab two balls. I place on in my free hand whilst dribbling the other between my feet. Better be safe than sorry huh.

As I gained closer to my destination I slowed down, panting heavily finally giving myself a break. 10 minute sprints are not good on the lungs. I throw my boots and ball onto the pitch whilst kicking the other ball and collapse on the floor trying to regain oxygen in my lungs. As my breathing normalised, I kicked off my trainers and put on my boots. As I was tying them, I started realising how worn out they were. I know they aren't going to last much longer, and I have no way of buying anymore. Sooner or later I'm not going to have football boots anymore.

I try my best to push thoughts to the back of my head and began dribbling with one of the balls, keeping myself entertained. From the half way line I line up the ball with the Center of the net and take a couple of steps back. I take one more glance at the goal and take aim on the top left bins. I begin my run up to the hall and pelt it with all my power. I watched as it sores through the air, gaining closer and closer to the back of the net, suddenly it starts curving to the left. With a satisfying noise which is the rattling of the net,  that tells me I just scored from the halfway line, I smirk. Eat that Leah Williamson.

I continued some drills and messed about with the ball performing tricks for my imaginary crowd. I run over to where I placed my phone and headphone for a little break to regain my breathe and plan on what I'm going to do next. As I take a seat on the grass, I noticed my phone light up again.

Sarina: 5 new messages, 3 missed calls.

Oh dang. Now I'm in trouble. I open my new messages and read cautiously.


4:38pm: Hey Julia, I'm sorry for how lunch went, but you left before I could brief the team, which is understandable. But there is a meeting at 6:00pm, make sure to be there.

4:40pm: 1x Missed call from Sarina.

5:02pm: I know I told you this already but it's now 5 pm and I don't have a reply from you. Please text back showing you understand.

5:16pm: Julia where are you? You aren't in your room.

5:30pm: 1x Missed call from Sarina.

5:48pm: Alex just came up explaining he bumped into you, where were you off to in a hurry?

5:50pm: 1x Missed call from Sarina.

6:38pm Julia, you have missed the meeting, come along to my office when you get these messages please.

Oh shit. Now I'm in trouble. I quickly swap my very worn out boots to my trainers, throw my phone in my pocket and headphones over my head, grabbing one ball, leaving the other in the back of the net and sprinting as fast as I could straight to Sarinas office.
I bet she is already planning my death.

10 minutes later I arrive and my heart is pumping through my chest, at this point I don't know if it's the nerves or lack of oxygen but either way I'm gasping for air. I knock and wait to be shouted.

"Enter" Sarina calls out. Does she sound pissed, I can't tell. I rush into the room and start ranting as soon as I enter.

"Sarina I am so sorry, I grabbed my boots and ball and made my way to the furthest training pitch, I didn't see your messages until it was too late, I'm so sorry I didn't even realise how long I was out there for, please for..."

"Julia." She simply said which pulls me out of my word vomit of an apology.

"Yes." I gulp

"This is Ellen white. I assume you have already met in your room. She will be training you for the rest of the week." Sarina out simply.

"So you're not mad I missed the meeting, or didn't message back, or disappeared for 3 hours?" I asked confused.

"Why would I be mad. Yes I wish you answered your phone, or maybe tell at least someone where you were but after looking at security cameras we found you." My eyebrows furrowed.

"Okay..." I say telling her to go on.

"The reason I wanted you in the meeting was to introduce you to the team." Sarina smiled suddenly Ellen whites voice popped up also.

"And here I thought you were a mute when we first met." She smirked at me and Sarina just simply laughed.

"Sorry I was a but starstruck" I mumbled but apparently loud enough for them to hear as they burst out in laughter.

"It's alright kid" white replied.

"Right julia, obviously Ellen isn't able to play as she has tore her ACL, she is on the mend but in the meantime, that's the reason I brought you here. Ellen is going to train you, she could learn a few things from you and you learn a few things her, how does that sound?" Both Ellen whites and Sarinas eyes lay upon me.

"Are you kidding me?" Both start to carry a worried expression on their face, "this is going to be the best week ever!" I exclaimed once again making the pair chuckle.

"Good luck with the rookie. I think she is going to be a handful." Sarina warns Ellen.

"I got her"

Maybe this week could be looking up after all.

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