Part 19

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Maybe I broke my promise- let's be honest I didn't know what to write next so left it for a bit- then forgot about it- and now I have an idea... probably already lost a lot of readers 🫠 anywho for those still interested...

Julia's POV:

It's now been 12 whole weeks of healing in the hospital. 6 of those weeks bed ridden unable to move, yet Millie, Rach, Lucy and Kiera somehow stayed with me throughout all of it. They have missed so many of their own club matches and somehow aren't fired? I told them everyday to go home and that I'll be fine but they insisted. All that will end tomorrow though. I'm finally getting discharged after many hours of physical therapy and many check ups.

"You happy to finally be out of this place?" Dr Wilson asked

"You have no idea" I reply but not with confidence,

"Hey I've spent 12 weeks with you, I know something up"

"If I'm being honest I don't know what's next, I don't know where I'm going to go, what's next for me?" I look down answering this, ashamed of my past and unknown of my future.

"Look all I know is that them 4 girls haven't left your side ever since you've been here, you're not alone in this" she reply's with a smile.

"I don't know..." I'm still unsure, everyone leaves eventually. I've learnt that the hard way.

"Did I ever tell you I use to live in the back of my car?"

"What?" I ask genuinely confused,

"Yeah I had no one, no where to go. I was just like you, you know. I too was in the system, I had no family. I know what it's like to be abandoned at every turn. I was in debt because of med school and now look at me. I have friends, a baby girl who I love and my dream job. If I could achieve all this, who says you can't?" I smile at her making eye contact for the first time in a while. "I think that's why I cared so much about your recovery Julia. I see a lot of myself in you." She says to me with a genuine smile.

"Thanks Doc." We shared a moment of peace. Not saying a word but her being here, showing me anything is possible is encouragement. Just as this was getting sentimental the brigade came in,

"Ay yo what's up Lia!" I heard Bronze scream from the door. I laugh at her silliness. She is swiftly followed by mills and Rach.

"How ya feeling champ? Ready to leave?" Millie asks positively.

"You know what, I think I am." I say much more confidently this time. I don't know where I'm going to go but I'm going to make it.

Millie's POV:

It was now the day Julia leaves the hospital, as she is signing the discharge forms I pull Rachel to the side.

"She is coming with me. I can't imagine life without her." I say confidently, Rach just nodded and smiles at me.

"Have you told her yet?"

"No..." I reply less confidently. "She has no where to go. I'm not leaving her. I'm going to guide her through this."

"Mills, when you get home Levi isn't going to be there anymore. He gave you the ultimatum. Him or her. Can you deal with that? A hint of sadness shown and she will run. She will think she has ruined everything and she will never look back." Rach explains sadly. But I know what happened. I lived it. I chose Julia and I always will until she is safe and happy.

"I got this Rach, trust me. He made his choice and I had my moment to mourn him leaving me. But that solidified everything. I mean it when I say it. She isn't leaving my side." I say sternly, I know what I want.

"As long as you know. I'm with you all the way mills." We embraced each other in a long silent hug.

"Who the fuck died out here then?" Julia announced making me and Rach jump apart whilst laughing.

"No one twerp. Ready to leave?" I say still chuckling,

"I have one more thing to do. Wait for me outside?" She asks with a slight smile. I know where she is going. To see Dr Wilson. Them two had a great bond and I couldn't be more thankful to have her has Lia's doctor.

"Of course kiddo" I smile as me and Rach begin to walk away.

Julia's POV:

"Excuse me do you know where to find Dr Wilson?" I asked a random nurse,

"Depends on who you ask" I hear from behind me. I turn around and smile, instantly walking to hug her.

"Hey, I just want to say thanks for everything. I mean it." I smile as I let go from the hug,

"Hey you're finally out of here, means I'm doing my job right" I laugh at her remark, "don't let go of them two ok?" She says referring to Millie and Rachel, "they're one of the good ones" she smiles putting a hand in my shoulder,

"I know, I'll try my best." I smile back,

"Ever need anything give me a message" Wilson says handing me a piece of paper, "even if it's just some advice from one foster to another, I'll always be here" I smile gratefully and take the paper from her hand.

"Thank you Jo." We embrace one last hug,

"Now get out of here and let me do my job!" She exclaims tears threatening her eyes. I laugh and start walking. Things are going to get better, I just know it.

I walk outside and see Rach and Mills standing there and joking along. Eventually they notice me and walk over.

"Where to next kiddo?" Rach asks with a smile on her face, both of them just so happy to see me walk out of that place in one piece.

"Are you kidding me, McDonald's, I'm fucking starving, and that hospital food is shit." Rach and Mills laugh at me as we start walking off.

"I want at least two cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets and Mills is paying." I claim, Rach agreeing and Millie trying her best to fight against me. All of us laughing.

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