Part 15

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Again I'm sorry for the long awaited update 🥺

Millie's POV:

"No we have been waiting 5 hours and you can't tell us anything?!" I screamed at the doctor walking past us, the other girls behind me also demanding answers,

"I'm sorry but you aren't immediate family, I can't tell you" she replies calmly, but I'm about to lose it,

"If her family were here right now she would be dead!" I screamed pointing towards the door I last saw Julia enter, this, however, caused the girls behind me to look up at me with a questionable look.

"Her family done this?" Ellen spoke up from the crowd, I turned my attention away from the doctor, forgetting it's not my place to say anything, and I don't know any actual information myself, it's still just a hunch after all,

"Yes, no, i don't know! Maybe?" I questioned, pulling my hands towards my head and closing my eyes, I turned my attention back to the doctor just as she was about to turn away, "please, anything?" I looked at her hopeful,

"Look, all I know is there was a complication in surgery and she is still in there, but you didn't hear that from me" she looks at me sternly and makes her exit before I could interrogate her further,

"She has been in surgery for 5 hours" Rach repeats what the doctor just said, "that's never good" she looks towards the ground, her hopeful smile has now turned into a doubting frown,

"Hey! No! She is going to be ok" I grab Rachs face and made her look at me, "she has to be ok" I nod, blinking away the tears threatening to flood my eyes,

"Can we go back to when you said her family done this to her please" Lucy says with a frown upon her face,

"We uhm, we had a hunch, from the beginning but she never said anything, she said a few things, we saw a few things, it's complicated and I don't want to invade her privacy" I say trying to tip toe around the question,

"Her family has been abusing her this whole time and only you three noticed?!" Lucy was about to kick off, you could see the anger in her eyes,

"That's why you told me to stop in the changing rooms" Jordan adds with sorrow and regret in her eyes,

"Yeah, I figured it out after these two" Leah explains not taking her eyes off the floor,

"Guys it is going to be a long night, how about we go back to the hotel, get some rest?" Sarina suggests, wanting to calm the situation down,

"I'm not leaving" I said sternly as I sat back down, "you lot can go but I'm waiting until she is awake, she deserves to wake up with someone by her side" to my surprise everyone else sat down too, and Sarina was the only one left standing,

"We stay as a team then, I'll go fetch us some blankets" Sarina says as she walks off. I have no idea where she is going to grab blankets from.

2 hours later and half of the girls are asleep, all sprawled around the waiting room, Rachel has her head leaning against my shoulder, I could tell she was fighting her sleep, and for second I was too, closing my eyes as I rest my head on top of Rachs,

Then I think of Julia. Waking up alone. Or me missing the news that she is ok. Because she is going to be ok. She has to be ok. Soon my eyes shoot open again and I look around the room. Everyone is out except Lucy. I can see her eyebrows furrow which shows she is in deep thought,

"Try not to think about it too much" I whispered but loud enough for her to hear me, 5 people down from where I was, she looked up and removed Kiera's head from her lap onto her jacket before making her way over to me,

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