Part 11

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I am currently sat in Daly and Brights room, and it's actually surprisingly clean. They both sit on their beds and I make my way to the chair in the corner.

"Hey kid, where you going?" Millie is the first to speak up as the tv is switched on,

"To sit, in the chair, but if you don't want me to I could sit on the floor, I don't mind, I kinda like sitting in the floor" I ramble with a smile. It's not even been two seconds and I've already messed up.

"No of course not, what I mean is, we don't bite, you can sit on the bed" she looks at me, sympathetically... again, ugh I wish she would stop with the looks.

"I know but I didn't want to take up all the space, and the chair is just there, I really don't mind." I counteracted,

"I insist, in fact no, it's an order, come chill on the bed with me, plus the movie is long, you'll get a numb ass by the end of it" Millie resorted, laughing almost.

"Ok" I say quietly as I make my way to the bed, and prop myself sitting there awkwardly,

"Stop being awkward, lie on here like a normal person" Millie laughed again, I pull myself further onto the bed, leaning on the backboard. And Millie starts the film, god why did I agree to this, this is the most awkward thing I've done.

"Hey I'm lonely over here, mind if I join you two?" Rach finally speaks up,

"Umm I can switch with you if you want, I don't mind" im always in the way, I scold myself more until rach speaks up again, bringing me out of my thoughts,

"No of course not, there is room for three" she says as she stands up and makes her way over, "come on mills shuffle up you fat ass" she laughs, as Millie moves I move to the middle and Rachel lies on the end. I can't believe im lying in a Daly Brightness sandwich right now, younger me would be screaming.

About 20 minutes into the movie, my eyes start to feel heavy, but I fight my sleep, I can't dismiss myself that would be rude, but I also can't fall asleep on their bed, that's even worse. I focus on the film. Sleep must have taken control of me because next thing I know, my eyes are closed and the movie is now nothing but a background noise.

Next thing I remember is being back at the house, Andrew was there,

"Where have you been, you stupid bitch!" He spits in my face, I whimper away,

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to earn money for you, I promise" I string together a full sentence,

"No one wants you you're  worthless, no one would ever hire you!" And again,

"Please don't hit me, I promise I'll pay you, I'll do the dishes I will never leave again" at this point I'm sobbing and shaking, Andrew grabs a knife and points it at my throat,

"Hey kid!" Huh? That wasn't Andrews voice? "Kid you gotta wake up!" Wake up? What? The voice continues, "oi! Come on you're scaring me!" That's Millie's voice, I eventually come around. As I open my eyes, I see mills and Rachel standing in front of me with fear in their eyes.

"What happened kid?" Rachel questions, but I'm too out of breathe to answer, I wipe the sweat of my forehead and use all my energy not to cry. My breathing instead gets heavier. No. Not now!

"He isn't here. I'm not home" I whisper to myself, trying to regain control. I didn't realise the girls could hear, but all I was focused on right now was not to have a panic attack right here. Suddenly I was wrapped in a tight hug,

"Your safe kid, we got you" Millie says softly into my ear. I begin to calm down. My breathing returns to me. But now to explain it all. Millie holds me for another five minutes before letting me go. Both of them look at me with worried eyes,

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