Part 12

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm at 6am and I jump up to turn it off before white wakes up also. I pack my bags and head straight to Sarinas office. Breakfast isn't for another two hours, meaning no one should be up yet but I know for a fact Sarina wakes up at 5am and heads to the office to do paperwork. She has always been the one for an earlier night.

As I reach the office, I place my bags down and knock, waiting to be called in. As I enter, Sarina looks up with a confused look on her face,

"Julia? It's 6:30 in the morning what on earth are you doing here?" She asks, I waste no time in answering,

"Sarina, I am honoured and so grateful that you gave me this opportunity but it's not for me, I don't belong here" I say hoping I don't sound too rude,

"What's the matter? What happened?" Sarina eyes now furrowed,

"I just..." quick think of an excuse, "I play football by myself, never in a team, I just don't think it's for me" I try saving myself, "plus I am no way good enough for this team." I finish off

"Julia, your skills are outstanding, and I picked you because you've never been in a team before, a fresh pair of eyes, a new perspective, and you've been doing great so far" Sarina fires back,

"And I appreciate you choosing me, I really do, I just don't belong here Sarina" I say quietly, why won't she let me leave?

"Julia, please stay for one more training session, I can show you that you belong here, on this team" she says trying to persuade me,

"I can't Sarina..." I trail off

"Plus Alex can't give you a lift until late this afternoon, otherwise you'll have to make your own way back, and that's a 1 hour drive" Sarina says almost like it was her last attempt to make me stay,

"Fine, one more session, but please, if I want to leave, you promise you would take me without further questioning?" I caved, I didn't have a way to get home and she knows I need Alex.

"I promise, now go get ready, breakfast is in an hour" she says, I grab my bags again and go back up to my room, once I arrive I throw them in my bed and don't bother unpacking, I have already made up my mind, I can't stay. Now it's just time for my next task, avoid Rachel, Millie and leah, shouldn't be that hard right?

Ellen exits the bathroom and glances at the bags on my bed, "leaving so soon rookie?" She laughs jokingly,

"Hopefully, last training session today, then you can have your spot back" I say back not wanting to mean it in a malicious way.

"Wait your serious?" She questions, I simply nod my head, "I'm going to be out for at least another 5 months, and I would rather you replace me than anyone else" she says almost sympathetically, now im fed up, why is everyone so mean to me one minute and kind the next? What's with this group?!

"Yeah well, you have a funny way of showing it" I say almost a whisper, but she caught on,

"What do you mean?" She asks now furrowing her eyebrows, here goes nothing, I'm leaving anyways, so what if people hate me, even when I try I can't make friends,

"You and your club team mates have been treating me like shit this whole time, whispering about me behind my back, kicking me out my own room, don't act like I don't know what you are doing, you weren't being very subtle about it!" I shout, I've had enough of this back and forth with them.

"Kid, I was jealous, I'm out of my sport, my safe space for 5 months and in walks in this amazing talented kid, that could 100% whoop my ass on a 1vs1, and only 19? I was scared you were going to take my place even when I recovered, I can't speak for the rest of the girls, but I apologise for the way I have been acting towards you, I'm meant to be an adult for freak sake and I've been acting like a child. Please don't leave because of me" her eyes softened as she looked into mine showing she meant every word, with sorrow. But that's not the only reason I'm leaving,

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