Chapter 21

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The world is naturally wet and dreary at night. Luckily, the beautiful and full moon, which by now visibly hanging above, showering its light in the forest with brilliance, looking majestic.

Such a sight, if someone who does not know what lies below the dense forest, undoubtedly find it as a spectacle, a sight to behold. But for those who knew better, such sight was nothing but rather terrifying. That the light from the full moon is not just as simple as for showering its brilliance, but a signal for something.

Additionally, the shadows of the trees with its branches protruding everywhere were not a good sight to look at. It was like an outstretched hand of the devil, ready to grab its prey and drag them straight to hell.

More so, not far away from the distance, terrifying sounds can also be heard. The forest was not a safe place, more so it's already nighttime.

Worse, full moon.

Currently, in a certain place, a little girl and an adult man facing the besieged of different monsters.

Two humans against a two or more a dozen of monsters was not a good sight to witness. Whoever comes across such scene would have a similar thought in mind...

Their body would be shredded into pieces.

"Argh! These monsters have no sign of ending! My Lady, be careful!"

Vrylle did not bother to respond as her small body was too exhausted it keeps trembling. Even a vague response was enough to consume her decreasing energy. Forcing herself to the limit, the little girl, Vrylle, rushed ahead with just a puny dagger in hand and ready to fight with the Goblin Commander head-on.

Its body was as huge as that of an Orc's, but its masculinity and prowess was on another level.

Just as the little girl is getting closer to the Goblin Commander, whose on the other hand, remained motionless as if mocking her, looking at her like an idiot, Vrylle, by that sight, instantly smell her own fear.


She knew very much that against such an opponent, her small, trembling, and very exhausted body really wasn't a match. The taunting look on the Goblin's face was understandable.

However, even though the cold sent chills down her spine, there this warm sensation burning up here body, rising up like boiling water, and Vrylle knew what it was.

It was her will to survive.

It was that will that kept her alive back on Earth, not giving up even in the face of harsh reality, so she was not going to give up now either. That being the case, Vrylle did not stop. She opened her eyes wide and look at the Goblin Commander ahead, hearing her own heartbeat as it beats faster and faster.


The booming laughter of the Goblin Commander gave tremor through the air as its body shook. Its laugh was full of contempt and irony, thinking that the small human is really tired of living, committing suicide. Thus, as a dutiful Goblin as it always was, why not comply?

The Goblin Commander has seen many humans fighting for their lives, some completely lost their will to live and just waited to be killed, while some tried to escape by using their comrades as bait. Unfortunately for them, their end were all the same, hacked and chased mercilessly by its hatchet.


Staring at the small human who did not slow down a bit as she was getting closer, the Goblin Commander's eyes looks completely excited as it prepared to pull the hatchet up, thinking the outcome would have been the same as the previous ones.

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