Chapter 05

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Back at the incident when Vrylle first got in Magnumium, she thought the person who found her that night was either Ezra or Everett because of inexplicable familiarity that person gave off.

However, when the young Paladin arrived and fetched her at the Coston's, on their way back home and their conversation leads to that subject, he said it wasn't either of them, ashamed to admit the truth.

As to what Everett had said, while frantically searching high and low for her, someone tipped their informant that she was brought at the inn, so the father and son hasted to the place and got her back.

When she was secured, and they asked the people around who brought her there, no one knew exactly since the person they saw was covered in black cloak from head to toe.

No one could even tell if the person was a 'He' or a 'She'. Also, as Everett added, Vrylle was unconscious for five days.

Who would have thought she was unconscious for that long?

Then, about the classes that was held back because of what happened, in just a nick of time, Vrylle managed to talk things out with Ezra, made him agreed to the list of classes she should be doing from now on.

Vrylle just removed some useless lessons she would never have gained anything with, and replaced it with more practical ones.

If Vrylle wanted to be an Adventurer, there are three factors she must secure. First was knowledge and information, then strength and skill comes second. The reason was self-explanatory. As for the third? It was obviously her gut feeling, since never in her life it fails her.

That it says, for the first and second factors, Vrylle already laid the perfect foundation: Classes.

For the first day of her classes, which she herself orderly arranged, what comes first was Ethic, then Philosophy, Arithmetic, and the last was Etiquette.

Then for her second day, it was Embroidery, Cooking, Poetry, and Piano.

For the third day, the list of lessons were Equestrian, History, Body and Soul Strengthening (BSS), and Swordsmanship, though its name wasn't fixated solely on swords, it changes from time to time to spear, a bow, dagger, whip, and other more weapons since Vrylle doesn't want to be stuck in just one weapon alone.

She wanted to be versatile, if possible.

As for the Body and Soul Strengthening, there, it includes the hand-to-hand combat, meditation, different stages of exercises from beginner to advance, etc.

Ever since her classes started five days ago, Vrylle had been around the clock.

Ezra, her father, asked her once why she wanted to learn how to wield weapons and why should she had to master even the Body and Soul Strengthening, for her age, let alone she was a noble lady.

As a father, Ezra thought other classes were fine, normal, but Swordsmanship and BSS? He cannot help but feel concerned.

What was his daughter thinking?

But of course, Vrylle does not want her plan to blow up, so she just said that she will tell him the reason when she finally achieved the results she wanted, telling them to just trust her.

Though surely, when Vrylle finally tells them the reason behind her actions, there was no doubt that those two handsome gentlemen will get really mad, and worst, even resort to locking her up.

Therefore, before all of that happens, Vrylle needed to learn all she had to learn and cultivate them all. Not to mention the next day, she will have to see for herself if what the voice said to her was true.

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