Chapter 04

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Merida tag along with Vrylle to go to the Coston household, attending the tea party Marchioness Alera and her daughter Rosalie hosted. The party, says on the letter, that it will start at nine in the morning, so they did not have to be in haste since they departed earlier on.

While riding a white and navy blue carriage with the Auburne crest imprinted on its door, two snow-white horses pulling the thing, Vrylle's gaze wandered to every shop and other structures and people they passed by.

Indeed. This place was beautiful and magical and prosperous.

People on the street were laughing and conversing. A very wonderful sight. Vrylle could also clarify that the Empire allows to coexist with other races since it was not just humans who she sees.

There were few beautiful and handsome Elves, cute and fierce Beast Kins, those little Dwarves, the lovely Fairies, and other more. But what was make them stands out that caught her eyes was their way of clothing, it was different from the Edelweissian people wore.

Vrylle assumed most of them were Adventurers and Mercenaries based on their attire and weapons, while others were just normal travelers and tourists. About these Adventurers and Mercenaries? Vrylle thinks it wasn't a bad idea if she could be either of the two.

As for her research says, being one of their circle did not have any strict qualifications and anyone would be able to join as long as they pass a test that will be given to them.

Also, with or without Energy, as long as one knows how to fight and be able to live and continue to survive, everyone were welcome. So that it says, if something unfortunate happens, the guild that was holding them will not bear any responsibilities for their losses.

But, if they happen to lost their lives while doing their quest, their family will be handsomely compensated. Still a win-win situation.

And being an Adventurer or a Mercenary would give Vrylle a lot of privileges that being a noble lady cannot give.

For example: Once Vrylle got a license card of either of the two above, she could get a ten percent discount in every transportational vehicle and any accommodation in every inn throughout in each and every country.

Not just that. For Adventurers, all the drops, either it was an item, coins, or gems, the Guild will not get their hands in your things, and you could also have a trade for any information that only the Guild has records on to a reasonable price.

About the carcasses of the monsters you hunted, the guild will only get ten percent of it and the remaining would be yours. Not to mention that they would be the one who will sell it for you.

Of course, Vrylle could also travel places after places. If possible, she would like to travel all around Magnumium. And by hunting and doing some quest, she'd also be able to study and adore each country and their culture.

She'll be free. Bound to nothing.

But why an Adventurer and not a Mercenary? Simple. Because for Vrylle, an Adventurer has a wider array of quests like: Hunting down monsters, providing protection for important figures, collecting rare materials or herbs, exploring abandoned mine or unknown dungeons, and so much more.

While a Mercenary for her understanding was an individual who are hired to fight human opponents, either in warfare or pillaging civilians, driven specifically for payment. They have a formal contract with their employer and gets paid for their services.

That difference was the reason why she preferred to be an Adventurer.

Though for now, Vrylle guessed that learning her own country should come first since she was still a child and did not know how to fight, at least yet. And she was proud to say that she gained a faint knowledge about this country, which was according to her little research, it has four cores, balancing the country itself and the people living in it.

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