Chapter 31

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The situation simmer down thanks to everyone's combined effort.

Mages fixed the damages caused by the explosion. Few of the Healers and quasi-Healers healed the injured. And some Knights and Paladins were ordered by Ezra to patrol the area for any possible enemy who might just be lurking around.

Things were progressing smoothly.

As for Valdez, the process of healing him took quite a while, but now he was doing fine and currently recovering, albeit still unconscious.

Back there, what had happened to Valdez was so sudden that even if the people within the room acted immediately upon sensing the changes in him, their reaction still lag against the impending danger.

More so, the space within the room has this kind of energy that limits the people to further themselves to the source of the incoming explosion, thus, inevitably caught along with it.

Fortunately, they only obtained flesh injuries, which was thanks to their own aptitude to lessen the damage and avoided any possible internal ones.

It was Valdez who takes most of the harm.

It was because the explosion came from within his body, not just anywhere. The aftershock that follows was what caused the destruction of things and harm the people around him.

Fortunately, with all that, Valdez managed to survive and also points out one important thing.

He was targeted.

It means that Valdez, though he might not have that plenty of information, at the very least, he certainly had significant ones. The kind that could narrow down, or better be, identify the person, or people, who were pulling the strings in the dark.

Whatever kind of information Valdez has been crucial enough for someone wanting him dead, and it was because of that reason why Valdez needed to be protected.

"Why were you there, sweetheart? Why were you looking for me?"

As things settled, Ezra took his children back to the room. Rusty and the three other men were left to look after Valdez, which was only few rooms away from Vrylle's.

Rusty, was of course, wants to be with Vrylle's side again. But Ezra did not allow it and ordered him to look after the Mercenaries instead. It was because, even before that incident, only himself, his son, Everett, were the only ones who could enter Vrylle's room.

It was for precautions.

"Because I feel danger, Papa, and I was not wrong with it. Unfortunately, I was late."

"But for me, it was a fortunate thing, my child. You have just woken up and still was weak, yet had to hurried over to where we were. It was a good thing that you and your brother weren't there on time, or else I do not know what I could have done to that man, the people he was with, and even to your Knight, if you and Eve got hurt."

Vrylle felt like she got some epiphany to what her father had said.

The danger, uneasiness, her instinct warning her about might be of different reason. Then, Vrylle felt it again, the strange beat of her heart and the chill travelling through the sole of her feet. And then...


A muffled explosion happened and shook the entire third floor. Thanks to Ezra's wariness, enhancing the room's defense and other more, the room where they were was still intact as the people within were safe and sound.

Though they were aware that the explosion was minimized by someone who prevented for it to cause severe destruction and harm, for it to shake the entire floor meant that the explosion was powerful and could have blown it and the other floor below.

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