Chapter 28

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Ezra would surely blow his top if he happened to know the clever way the man behind everything had thought of for the Mercenaries to do. It was easy, convenient, and not a time-consuming, rigorous journey.

After the man sent a reconnaissance team around the Empire and to the Guild's territory, he relayed an order for those men to install a decent number of short-distance Transfer Scrolls behind each place, area, or road they traveled to, with a connected coordinate, for easy yet inconspicuous transfer.

Direct teleportation could arouse suspicions. It could also leave obvious traces. Transfer Scrolls with a long-distance range were also the same. Not to mention the number of people who would be doing the 'escorting'. To not attract too many inquiring eyes and also be much more careful and undetected, the man used that clever way, made a few experiments, and once proven effective, put it to use.

That was why the group who abducted Vrylle back then and 'escorted' the carriage all the way to the Hunting Ground did not take too long.

It only took five hours at most.

Too bad Ezra would never have the chance to know such a thing. He even had no clue who the person was behind such a malicious abduction.

One thing is for sure, once he figured out the person or people who put his daughter's life in danger time and time again, along with those threats he receives that he has to hide to not frighten his daughter, though Vrylle knew, and he was the oblivious one, even if they asked for death, for him to kill them instantly, he wouldn't grant such a plea.

Easy and quick death is such a luxury for people like them.

"...Nothing seems to work in my favor."

As Ezra's jaw tightened, teeth gritted from madness because of the moles who compromised their journey and resulted in what he is experiencing currently, Ezra's mind flew again to the well-being of his daughter, thinking how she fared those past several days under the event of the Dungeon Break.

Even Rusty was there with her, considering how much has escalated, Ezra knew how big of a disadvantage they would face at that very moment. Rusty was alone, whereas his daughter was still a child, very young and untrained. The coachman and her personal attendant were both no good either. Those two were probably the first to be disposed of.

"...Useless. Very useless."

Ezra was not talking about anyone else; he was talking about himself. He was very frustrated with himself and now questioning his own capabilities. Ezra also started to doubt every decision he made.

His daughter might be much safer in their fief rather than staying in the Central. Because in the fief, Ezra controls everything. He has eyes everywhere, unlike in the Central where he can only spread his 'arms' and 'legs' at the Duke's Estate. His 'eyes' also have to reduce their use.

Nothing favored him, really.

Walking dejectedly back to the Transfer Point, that was when the Knight, Hanz, whom he ordered to relay a message to others for regrouping, delivered unexpected news.

The group that headed to the Northwest half an hour ago came across a Mercenary. But not only did these Knights and Paladins fail to kill or apprehend the man, the man himself successfully evaded his people's encirclement and now outran them, obviously heading toward the Transfer Point.

Livid, Ezra hastened and gravely ordered everyone to give chase.

He wouldn't let that man leave. He must kill that Mercenary. No, wrong. Ezra has to capture that man, torture him along with the moles, while also squeezing them for any kind of information, useful or not.

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