Chapter 07

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Not like the original host of the body, Vrylle was no genius and only rely on her hard-assed work to obtain what she was aiming for.

Therefore, in her previous life, Vrylle worked so hard to get high grades, but outside her academic performance, even if she worked extra hard, Vrylle does not know why she cannot grasp the thing she was reaching.

Back then, for her extracurricular, Vrylle took her first sport, which was judo. Days after days of practice felt hellish for her, but she persevered, so when the day comes that she finally finished the first phase and felt happy, Vrylle had no idea and noticed quite late that the other students who joined the same time as her were already advanced to the next level and left her far behind.

Then, just when the next instant, as if students around her were only waiting for her pitiful reaction, Vrylle was mocked then verbally bullied, and although it wasn't physical, and verbal harassment does not even hurt or provoke her, Vrylle still chose to leave without any second thoughts, causing her to drop the session and just moved to another sports.

But whichever sports or martial arts she selected after that, the same outcome continued to happen.

That was when she thought that what has happened to her was a scheme those kids cooked up. They want her to suffer, felt a little achievement at the beginning, but right after that, all what was left was failure.

Vrylle doesn't care, though, since at least she gained something.

Thus, though she cannot hone it and what she gained were only basics, it came quite handy for her, using it for self-defence whenever a sudden incident occurred in their place, Swellgoon Street. However, although Vrylle labeled it as 'sudden', it was more accurate to say it 'often' and 'normal' occurrences.

Well, you see, Swellgoon Street was a home of a lowly, trashy, and no future people. Drunkards, pushers, prostitutes, addicts, thieves, gangsters and other more so-called societies cancers' lived altogether in that hellhole.

The trash of society in that city were dumped in that place, and there, they could do anything as they please as long as they did not bring with them that nasty attitude outside their turf.

That very reason why all the students in school looks vicious and condemnable on her. Because Vrylle was originally from that place.

Swellgoon Street, although it was a place houses trashy people with no clear future ahead of them, it was fifth in Eidburgh City which has a wide territorial area that can accommodate thousands of families. In that case, it has their own jurisdictions to follow, own rules and regulations, and as long as no one, even Vrylle herself, bent nor break it, people there could say they were safe and can still continue to live.

Rule breakers' punishment was instant death. It doesn't matter how light or serious their offence are since the punishment would still be the same. The only small difference was: how or what kind of death the authorities will grant them.

Vrylle had lived her life in that hellish place since birth, and managed to kept herself sane and alive every single day despite all the threats that was literally surrounding her. Yet ironically and opposite to her concern, Vrylle did not die in that place, but to where she felt sheltered and safe.

Life was sucks sometimes.

"You did great as always, Lady Vrylle." Leana praised, smiling proudly at her.

Leana Estoker, 18 years old, was Viscount Raymart Estoker's only child. She was engaged with Count Amore's third son which was two years younger than her. Furthermore, despite her young age of eighteen, she really has talent to embroidery, that was why she was the one Vrylle chose to replace the former tutor the original host has.

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