Chapter 03

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When Vrylle collected her thoughts, she apologized, feeling ashamed, then made an excuse to Everett that she got a sudden headache and made her hard to focus.

When the young Paladin, however, hears it, he was taken aback before blaming himself for what had happened, saying he did not paid more attention and asked for his little sister to have breakfast with him despite the fact that she has just woken up.

Then, wave of guilt crushed Vrylle upon hearing it, and all she could do was to force a smile and coaxed him, told him that she would do the initiative to invite him for a meal next time.

When everything got resolved and Vrylle finally left the dining hall and got back to her chamber, Merida came in few minutes later with a medicine and a glass of water in her hands.

Vrylle smiled at her and took the medicine then lie down on the bed afterward, gazing outside the opened floor to ceiling double glass doors and immersed herself with the fragrant scents of jasmines brought by the air.

"You should rest now, M'Lady." A gentle voice said, and she shifted her gaze to Merida, nodded with a smile.

When Merida got the message, she left the room after a bow and closed the door gently behind her. Vrylle, who was left alone, swept her gaze around the room, studying each and every detail, stuffs and furniture.

The room was quite big. It has a European style interior, in a combined colour of cream, gold and pink, suited for a young girl.


The original host, based on the memories, her father and brother pampered her, to the point of spoiling- no, she indeed got spoiled. And because she knew very well that whatever kind of mischievous things she pulls off, that two loving people surely, without a doubt, will forgive her.

About the thing she did on that day, where she sneaked out along with her trusted Knights despite her father forbid her from going, the result and cost were their lives.

'What a tragic thing to happen. Just one wrong move, and it cost one's life to end.'

Negative thoughts then started to swirl inside her head. Vrylle was always vigilant, always careful around the people surrounding her. Her intuition that sharpen through years of living in that hellhole made her pick up even the slightest of malicious intent. And even though she might be acquainted with others for a little longer, her vigilance will never dropped, instead, it will only heighten up.

Vrylle disregard the negative thoughts then picked up the almost forgotten tea party, where she was invited, no, the previous host. The sender of the invitation was the only daughter of Marques and Marchioness Coston. She was the kid's close friend.

'When was the party again? I think, it was two days from now? I wonder if Papa would allow me to attend.'

Vrylle stared at the ceiling and let her other thoughts be swayed. Her head already aching with a lot of things she was eager to find answers to, but only another question popped out, and now it was piling up.

She sighed and stood up, walked her way towards the balcony and once she got out, Vrylle felt mesmerized. The scenery from where she was, it was so beautiful.

The beds of different flowers like: roses and jasmines and many more decorated the land, leaving an equal space to walk through. And at the far side, mountains and trees looks like giving the clouds and the blue sky a high five.

The gentle howl of the wind, the smell of the breeze, and the chirps of little birds, who would have thought that this kind of scenery and feeling would calm her down? Instantly dispelling the thoughts that was clouding her mind?

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