Chapter 22

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The morning dew bathed the grass, the sun dazzled atop the trees, and the little sparrows perched on the branches trembled in gleeful chirps.

It was such a beautiful scene, amicable and tranquil. Unfortunately, that was not really the case. The scene may be beautiful if one only look at that certain scene, but it would turn hundred and eighty once someone looked around carefully.

The overall surrounding was not beautiful at all. It was just, when morning comes, all the monsters retreated. So such peace was only because of it, and no one knows when it would last.

Tranquility? Well, everyone hopes it would never end.

Right when the crack of dawn arrives, all the monsters hurried away as if they were going to be late for something. These monsters didn't run away because they were afraid of the sun, nor be burned by it, the Mercenaries were confident with these conjectures because they fought with those resilient monsters for the first straight three days and nights.

The sun does not really bother them.

In this battle, the monsters' retreats and attacks were unpredictable as always, but at least before, they knew if when they will retreat because these monsters were giving signal to one another, making strange noises before disappearing consecutively.

However, this dawn, something very odd happened.

All the monsters stops fighting, and those in the middle of hacking their opponents with only few strikes to completely claim their lives, stopped midway then scurried away. In a blink of an eye, all the monsters, whichever race they belong to, disappears simultaneously.

At that very moment, the Mercenaries, even Rusty and Vrylle, were all dumbfounded. It just happens that Rusty came back to his senses first, dragged Vrylle away to escape their human enemies, then hide for a moment while also taking some rest.

Rusty have to retreat at that very moment, too. Simply because the timing wasn't right for them to sneak toward the Transfer Point, even if it's only few meters away from where they were, considering that there were still quite a number of Mercenaries they have to face just to reach the place.

The disadvantage weighs more.

Those Mercenaries might be exhausted, very tired because of endless fighting with only few minutes of rest, but Rusty knew that as someone with that line of work, the more exhausted the body was, the more keen their senses would be.

That was why, back then, he chooses to retreat and also to recuperate his and Her Ladyship's tattered and also very exhausted bodies.

They were no match with those people, considering that there's only two of them. The enemies' number alone was a threat. He couldn't recklessly gamble.

As for the Mercenaries, they have long forgotten about the people they have abducted, the reason why they were in this situation. Their only focus was to survive. If they survive, then that was when they mind those people.

The prolonged battle was more than enough for these Mercenaries to congest nothing more with their thoughts.

In almost a week of battling with the monsters, these men barely have rest, let alone sleep. What's fortunate for them was that they were used to it. It was their profession, after all. What was different this time was that they didn't know if what other kind of monster would pop out, when will they attack again, their prowess, and most importantly, their seemingly never-ending number.

When will these monster stop coming.

The Dungeon Break this time was the worst these group of Mercenaries had ever faced. They all feel like the monsters were endless, and they will only stop 'spawning' if all of them are dead. As time passed, it's not just the 'spawned' monsters were stronger than the last, some also have intelligence. Using their monster brain for tactics and combat styles.

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