Chapter 23.1 - Little talk

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Anonymous 3rd person Pov

"He's home now?"


"How could you do that to him?"

"You knew perfectly well what would have happened, don't come at me with that talk. I did what I had to do."

"Keep telling yourself that." The person sits on the big couch in the corner of the room. "You think that in the end, he will forgive us?"

"If it was me, I wouldn't." the other person responds with honesty

"He changed so much already, in the beginning he was just an innocent soul, and now..."

"He still is that person, he has just become like we did too."

"It was different for us..."

"Yes, it was more traumatic. Don't worry about him, he's okay. I won't let anything happen to him."

"He will kill us at the end of this."

"Yes, he will, but at least we will die together."

"Don't playboy me."

"I thought I didn't need to with you, we know each other well enough..."

"It is all in the past."

"It doesn't need to be..."

"Because it turned out all so well last time..."

"Oh, this time it will be worse, be sure of that."

Author's note: This is not Porchay's pov, it's anonymous, for now. I'll let you try and guess who is talking to whom. See you!

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