Chapter 45 - It's all about power

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"We're going!" Yuri says as we check the living room

"Wait!" Macau calls "Are you sure you don't want a triple date? It could be fun..." he tries suggesting.

"Nice try, but no." he says

"We'll meet you after your dinner." Matteo says and Yuri gives him a look "It's not up for discussion." He says with his leader of mafia voice

"Fine." Yuri says and I let a little chuckle out

Yuri goes to Macau to give him a little kiss and I go to my pretty boys and give each a kiss too.

"Don't get into trouble please angel..." P'Kim says

"Yes, I don't want to kill anyone tonight." Matteo says while gently rubbing my waist with his thumb

"I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself, it's just a dinner." I say and when I turned out I realise P'Tay and Damiano are looking at each other suspiciously and then it hits me, that's why everyone was talking about a triple date. I go to P'Tay and whisper in his ear "Go say goodbye to your boyfriend Phi." He seems a bit surprised by that but he goes and gives Damiano a kiss.

I don't know where we are going but there is a car waiting for us outside and I assume a story too. We don't talk much on the trip, Yuri is in his phone so we keep it down. We arrive at a very fancy place, I know P'Tay and Yuri like this kind of luxuous things. We get in and are redirected to a table near the window in a more private place.

"So..." I start "You and Damiano, how did that happen and why am I the only one that didn't knew?"

"Well, let's say he is very persistent and he has a sexy accent." P'Tay says and then asks the waiter for a bottle of wine "Since the discussion with Time that night, he never left me alone, he kept checking on me and I gave in to him, I thought he only wanted sex at first, but he wanted more, he was so offended the first time we slept together when I just told him to get out right after... and even with that, he never gave up on me, he was there day after day for mouths and I gave in to the sexy Italian."

"I think it's good for you, Damiano is a good person, he is always carrying and trying to make others happy, and I can assume he makes you very happy...." I say smiling at P'Tay

"He does, things are so different with him, so much better than with Time. With Damiano, I actually feel seen and heard, I feel loved..." P'Tay says drinking a sip of wine

"Macau told me about your ex, he really seemed like a jerk." Yuri says

"He was, Chay shot him once and then I finally broke up with him and now I have someone hotter and better."

"I wish I'd seen that and all that matter now is that you are okay and you are loved like you deserve to be." Yuri says

"How did you two know each other by the way?" I ask curious

"I bumped into him a couple times last year and you also talk a lot about P'Tay so I asked Macau to get me his number and we became friends."

"Oh, okay. What's for dinner, I didn't even see a menu..." I start

"I ordered in advance, they already know what we want. Damiano actually was the one that showed me this restaurant, it appears fancy but in reality it's fast food, chef-made fast food, and it's so good... You two are going to love this!" P'Tay says excited

"Well... I was going to wait for the food before I asked but I really want to know, how was it? But this time I want the juicy details!" Yuri asks curious

"We spent all they together on a date, because we had never have a date together, the three of us. First, we went to a place almost outside the city owned by Damiano, it was like a little paradise..." I start

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