Chapter 28.2 - Finally we talk

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Kim's Pov

Time: Right after the last Kim's pov chapter, they are still planning how to rescue Porchay

I can't stay still, I keep walking in circles in Matteo's office, everyone is going to hate me, Tankhun is going to kill me, my ears already hurt just from imagining his screams. I can't believe this keeps happening, why do I keep always getting defeated by him? Why do I keep losing Porchay? I suppose after everything I deserve to lose him but to someone better than me, not to some creep like Itsuki.

"Stop, you are making me sick." Matteo says "Just sit down, please."

He is another piece in the game, he is more than a piece actually, so much more. We are alone in his office, he is looking at the maps and analysing every part of that house while I panic a little inside. I never lose control but when it comes to Porchay, I don't even know the word, I just act on instinct which isn't good, not for me or the others. We are, at the moment, waiting for my family to appear and help us formulate a plan. I already know what we are going to do, it's the basic when this happens, we are going to watch the house for two or three days to learn everything about it and then we strike and save Porchay.

I need to save him, I can't lose him again, I just can't. This is heart-breaking, I know perfectly well I don't deserve him, but I'm shellfish and because of that he always ends up suffering in situations like this...

"He's going to be okay, he is strong, have faith in him. The rest will be here in five minutes so hold it together, after that you can break." I just shake my head.

Matteo knows me better than anyone, he knows than even though I look like I'm made of stone, cold and without feelings, I also have a fragile side that only him and Porchay have ever seen. It was hard throughout the years, killing, torturing and scamming, that's what I'm good at but that doesn't mean I don't feel bad for doing it.

"We're here." Kinn says opening the door to the office followed by everyone, I take a deep breath and then I get back to being focused, leving all the feeling under. I'm going to do what I need to.

"Ok, now that everybody is hear, let's start this. Long story short, Matteo had a tracker on Porchay's jacket so we know where he is..." I start

"If we know where he is, what are we doing here, you should have just texted us the address..." Porsche interrupts me

"In case any of you has forgotten, we are dealing with the Yakuza so we need to be more than careful if we want to save Porchay and come out of that place alive." I could almost feel Matteo's smirk behind me because I was just repeating what he had said to me

"Watch how you talk to me!" Porsche pointed his finger at me, but Kinn was holding on to him.

Honestly, if Porsche wanted to beat the shit out of me, at this moment I would probably let him. He just lost his little brother to some other mafia, if I was in his place I would go crazy and heads would roll. I shake my head trying to focus again.

"As I was saying, we know where he is and we already have a plan, we just need to wait a couple of days..."

"Are you out of your fucking mind Kimhan?" Porsche almost screams interrupting me again "Days? Days? You know what they could do to him in days? They could torture him, rape him, just do whatever they..."

"Porsche!" I hit the table shutting him up "I know very well what they could do to him, I was born in this life. This is the best plan we've got so either come up with a better one or shut the fuck up." I said but I instantly regret it as I feel Matteo's hand in my back bringing me back to my cold self.

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