Epilogue 3 - The Future

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Time went by. I was in my second semester, and things were a bit of a mess. I had a lot of work to do, and I still needed to balance it out with Enzo and my pretty boys, along with a bunch of mafia things.

I was tired, but I was in a transe. I knew what I had to do, and I did it regardless. All my days were basically the same: I went to university, I got back home, I worked until Enzo got here from school, then I spent time with him and my boyfriends, then I worked a bit more, and then we ate as a family. It's a bit messy, but it's also good. To end the day, I work a bit more, and then I go to sleep. Sometimes, if I have enough energy and classes are not in the early morning, I allow myself to relax a bit with my pretty boys and do some naughty things.

Today was different; today was the end of exams, and I would allow myself to relax and just enjoy my family. It was the end of May, to be precise, and I had been studying like crazy since the semester began.

I was learning everything in English, and it's not that I wasn't fluent; it's just that talking and writing in English sometimes is something completely different from studying and doing exams in English.

I got home, pretty tired, and decided that I would have a nice meal, a warm bath, some quality time with my family, and finally some decent sleep time.

As soon as I got home, I got to the office, where I know my pretty boys are, immersed in their own work. Since that weekend a couple months ago, our relationship has grown so much. We learned how to make time for each other and how we could still do romantic things with Enzo here.

We went through a rough phase when Matteo's mother left. It was hard for Matteo to be without her again, even if he knew it was the best for her. We helped him by being by his side, and even Enzo noticed that he was sad and sometimes would grab a book and read on Matteo's lap. With time, Matteo got better. He talks to his mom every day, and he is happy to see her happy.

Right now, we have a few things to worry about. Enzo is getting high grades, like we expect of him, for obvious reasons. I'm doing my best in university, and the pretty are making money. Things are really going well.

"Love?" Matteo asks, taking me out of my mind "You were a bit lost..." He says as P'Kim pulls me for a kiss

"So how was your last exam, angel?" P'Kim asks

"It went well." I say "I'm finally free! If I don't fail any of those exams, I'm practically on vacation already." I say, excited

"Let's hope for that angel."

I smile at them and grab their hands so that I can pull them to the couch for a little cuddle session. I need to recharge, after all. We stay like that for some time; some kisses are stolen in the process, but we are all in need of a good bath and a good night of sleep.

I don't know how much time has passed, but we stay on that couch for so long that I think I even felt asleep at some point. But now, I'm awake by a little boy is walking into the office. He looks at us all snuggling with each other and makes a face. Enzo and shows of affection are still not very good friends. He is affectionate, but in his own way.

"Why are you sleeping on a little couch in the afternoon?" he asks, looking at us confused

"We were resting because I finished my exams." I say happy

"That means you can spend more time with me then?" he asks as a smile pops in his face

"Yes! Is there anything you want to do?"

"Pizza!" he says, excited and I smile

"Alright. We'll make pizza tonight!"

"You two do know we are also here, right?" Matteo says trying to seem mad, but he is actually smiling, as is P'Kim

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