Chapter 57 - Hello dead

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P'Kim and Matteo got up from the bed and closed the windows. They were bulletproof, but it was better to be safe than sorry. I got up too and got into the closet. I dressed my suit and put on my weapons belt as well as a bulletproof vest. They were also getting ready.

"Chay, there's a bunker hidden in this closet. You can stay there until this is over." Matteo says, and I look at him, confused "You're sore from last night, adrenaline can only push you so far..."

"I'm going to fight alongside you two." I said, and grabbed a bottle of pills "Pain-killers, I used to take them when training was so intense that I could barely walk. I am really careful with them so I don't get addicted." I say before taking one "I can't stay back anymore. I trained for this."

"Porchay, it's your choice." P'Kim said seriously "This isn't like the trains, this is real. There are certain things you can't unsee. We're giving you a choice."

"I'm not going to hide anymore." I say certain of my decisions

"Then let's go." P'Kim says

"I lead." Matteo says getting in front of us

"Wait!" I say, I grab Midnight and put her in the bathroom, it was soundproof, so she wouldn't be disturbed by any of the sounds. "Let's go." I said

We went into the elevator. I was stressed but strangly calm. I had two guns and more weapons all over me. I saw this in movies, it was a stupid thing to think of, but it was the only thing I had in my head. When the elevator stopped and I could hear the shots closer to me, that's what really woke me up.

We stopped on the second floor, it was impossible to go to the other floors using the stairs, they are full of traps, and only Matteo, Damiano, and Fred could go through them. I took a deep breath as I walked down the last stairs. My back was practically glued to the wall, I was holding my breath, and the shots only got closer.

When we got there, it was like a switch turned something on me, and I just started shooting. There was a lot of blood, and a lot of people falling on the ground, dead. I didn't quite understand everything, it was like everything was happening too fast at the same time that things were in slow motion.

Matteo's mansion was built like a circle, so the elevator was in the centre and everything else was around it. This was good, but that also means you have to be careful because enemies can come from all sides.

"Matteo!" we hear Damiano calling

He was in the office, and P'Tay was at his side, shooting enemies. He had a wound on his leg, but the adrenaline was so high that he probably wasn't feeling it.

I kept shooting, always poiting to the head, always to kill, they were my enemies after all. I started seeing needles flying and smiled, Yuri was here too, probably with Macau. There were more people on the ground with them than with us, but I knew a lot of the bodyguards were dead.

"Kitchen." Matteo said

The kitchen was the most dangerous and safest place, it was in the middle, and you could see everything, but others could see you too. Once we got behind the balcony, I don't know why, but Matteo just collapsed.

We were being shot from every direction, the balcony gave us some coverage, but without Matteo, it was a bit hard.

I turned around, but I wasn't prepared for the images I had in front of me. It made me wish I had taken Matteo's advice and stayed in the closet. I saw Matteo covered in blood, not his, Auntie's. She was probably making breakfast when this started, and she was shot.

I felt my legs shake, but I couldn't leave P'Kim alone, I needed to stay strong. I kept shooting, but my vision was blurred. I was crying, I wanted to scream and scream. Why do good people always have to die? Why? It isn't fair, none of this is fair.

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