Chapter 33 - Take a stand

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­­­­­­­­I look at Khun Korn and smile back, also a fake smile. I did wonder when he would come for me and now that he did I'm going to take a stand.

"Khun Korn, what do you want?" I ask

"Why don't we sit so we can talk more comfortably?" he says going to the table in the middle of the garden, I follow him and sit in front of him "You know, I thought a lot about what to do with you because to be honest you were better than anyone else. I mean with you I couls unite the three most powerful mafias of all times" he says smiling "Kim is with Matteo even if they are conspiring against me, they are together it's a union, and now Macau and the young yakuza are having whatever you people call it these days and they are both friends with you. I could try to sell you to the Spanish but they aren't that powerful anymore so I decided I'm going to put you in standby until the opportunity appears." He smiles at me "Be proud of yourself, you did an amazing job for the family. As for Itsuki's death, that was really a shame if you did what he wanted he would have given everything to you, you could have ruled an empire." I look at him in disgust as my hand goes to my shoulder remembering everything, he notices that "Oh that, look at it has collateral damage, it was the price you had to pay to help your family, you should be proud of it and it's almost healed, I don't know why you are bittering so much about it." I don't know how but hearing him saying things like that, diminish my pain, Hia's pain, Yuri's pain and the pain that so many people throughout the world had endure, it really made me mad

"I'm going to kill you." I say looking at him blanck in the eyes "It may not be today, or tomorrow, or next week, it may not even be in five years but it will happen. I promise you that for every collateral damage you ever made in this life." He looks at me smiling in amusement

"Poor child, so many people tried to kill me during these years, what makes you think you are the one that would do it?" he says laughing but I smile back at him

"It's simple, I have a very good reason to do it and I'm not alone, in addition to that, I'm also young and have plenty of time."

"And what if I kill you first?"

"P'Kim would know it was you and them everyone would be against you, because all that power you say you have now, I was the one that got it for you and they know me, they don't know you, so kill me if you want but when we met in hell I'll make sure that it will be the worse and most excruciating experience you have ever gone through." I say and get up

I go back to my room and call myself stupid in every way I can think of. I can't believe I said all that to him. I said I would kill him! What am I? Crazy? It must be because no one in his perfect state of mind would do such thing. I just hope he doesn't kill me, I don't want to die. But he won't kill me, at least I hope he doesn't, but saying all that, it was so stupid of me, I don't even know what possessed me.

And now, I realise I didn't go talk to Hia like I planned. I don't give myself time to process what happened with Khun Korn and I just go to the office before I change my mind. I walk there and take a deep breath before knocking on the door. To my surprise Hia was the one that told me to come in, P'Kinn was not with him.

"Chay, what brings you here? Do you need anything? Are you alright?" Hia asks me

"I need to talk to you about something important, do you have time now?" I ask nervous

"Of course, I have time, sit." I know I'm shaking and I'm afraid of disappointing Hia so much

"I... I want to..." I take a deep breath "I want to take a gap year." Hia looks at me confused and I continue "I can't go to university like this. I'm sleeping better, but I still have nightmares. I would panic every time someone tried to touch me and I want to be able to live the experience. You weren't the only one that dreamed about university, I did too and I want to enjoy it. I can't do that like this." I say all this looking at my lap and then I look at Hia, he has a different expression, I think he is confused or disappointed, I don't know "I'm really sorry Hia, but I just can't do it right now. I promise I won't be a burden here. I'll help you and P'Kinn, I'll train with the bodyguards and I'll watch series with P'Tankhun so you can work peacefully. I'll work..."

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