Chapter 28.1 - Just talk

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­­­­­­­­­­­­­Kim's pov

I'm worried sick for Porchay. I try not to think about all the things Itsuki could do to him. I trust that Porchay can defend himself but he's on his house and that fucker is crazy. I can't think about that right now, I need to focus on making a plan to find and save him.

"I know where he is." Matteo says and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel "The suits are handmade and all of them have a gps tracker. As I am the only heir to the Italian mafia, we started foing that so that if something happens they can find me. My seamstress put one on Porchay's clothes too."

"So you know where he is and you only thought about saying it now!?" I ask him upset

"I had to make sure I could do it, I didn't want to give fake hopes." He says showing me his phone "He's the green dot and he's moving."

"He's probably in the car, we need to wait for them to stop moving, to see where they are going. He wouldn't leave the country today, he wants us to get crazy and desperate."

"He wants the world to see us collide and destroys each other."

"He was always a sick bastard." I say and Matteo agrees with me

"There's nothing we can do right now, let's go back to home and there we can start preparing everything. We need to rescue him as soon as possible but we need to do it properly." Matteo says

We get out of the room, as we walk everyone stares at us, they gossip and gossip but we ignore it. Porchay needs us right now and we need to get everything ready. We'll move as soon as possible. There's no way I'm going to let Porchay in the hands of that fucker more time than he needs to be.

The car trip is silent, I don't know where Kinn and Vegas are but I need to talk to them too. We are going to need him. Itsuki probably has half of the Yakuza guarding his back and that is a challenge.

We enter Matteo's mansion and go straight to the office. He connects the computer and we start taking out prints of all places around Thailand just waiting to know where they are.

"I'm still trying to find out how did we let this slide." Matteo says

"Korn is the only answer. He did this, he always does." I say upset "They need to stop somewhere, there almost at the border."

"Do you think he has his father support on this? Because if he does, we're fucked, completely fucked."

"That old man? I think he's so ashamed of the son he has that nowadays he doesn't even consider him heir. The younger brother, on the other hand, he is everything to his father and after all the incidents in our teens, he started being trained to assume the mafia."

"He's doing this out of spite and he choose us."

"It makes sense, he always had a crush on you." I say and Matteo looks at me disgusted with the thought

"He didn't."

"Why do you think he hates me so much? He wanted you but you never pay attention to the people that come running after you like they are desperate and that's why you felt in love with Porchay."

"Does that upset you?" he asks me

"I don't know, it's strange. I begged Porchay not to fall for you, I think a part of me always know he would..."

"Like you did?"

"They stopped, they're at the border and I know that place, my father has a house there."

"Motherfucking Korn."

"I have prints of the house, we can take him out sooner than we expect..." I start going trough my phone searching through files

"Don't push things. We are only going when we know everything. I'm not going to send my man to a certain dead."

"Matteo, it's Porchay!"

"I know it is love, I know but we need to think this through, we can't go suicidal now. We need to get out of there alive, Porchay is going to need us alive."

"He is okay, I know he is."

"He can protect himself and I'm sure he knows what he is doing, he's been training with Tay for these past months. So let's think this through properly and call your family here, we'll need them."

"I'm doing that. And, call me love again and I'll punch you!"

"Chay likes when I call him that..."

"I think I'll punch anyways." He just smirks at me

Author's note: Hello beautiful people! This was a really crazy week, full of work. I know this is a small chapter but I didn't have for more. Things have been hard and I wish I had more but time but unfortunately I don't. I'm really sorry you have to wait so much in this part of the story. I'll do my best to balance everything but right now I really need to prioritize university.

I do hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll try to post another as soon as I can

Feel free to comment and tell me what you think. Stay hydrated and until next time :-)

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