Chapter 55 - Christmas surprise

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Days went by, and now it was the twenty-fourth. I was helping Aunty organise the table for everyone. We were still on high alert, but I wanted the bodyguards to have a nice moment too.

Macau, P'Kim, and Matteo practically spent these last few days in the office. They told me they are teaching Macau more practical things related to the mafia business. He wants to impress Yuri by showing him that he already knows what to do. I can't decide if I think that is a cute or terrible idea because he is going to do things the way the Italian mafia does. Even P'Kim had to adjust to Matteo's way of doing things. I don't know.

We have all kinds of sweets and salts on the table, they are all in snack mode, so the bodyguards can come and go and also fill a plate with them so they can eat later.

"I think it's done." I say and look at Aunty and Yuri, that smile

"Yes, let's go take a shower, you too, aunty." Yuri says

Yuri and I go upstairs, he stays in his room, and I go up to mine. I take a quick shower, I don't want to smell like fried food, and then I dress something simple but cute. A white chemise with some denim jeans, and then I also do simple makeup, just some glitter. I'm with my family, and we'll probably switch to pyjamas after some time.

The plan is to eat, chat, and watch Christmas movies. It will be us three, Yuri and Macau. P'Tay and Damiano are with P'Tay's family, he thought this would be a good moment to introduce Damiano, and I hope everything goes well with them. Macau was originally also going to P'Pete and P'Vegas, but Hia and P'Pete are still trying to make the three cousins understand each other better, so they make them spend the holidays together, and Macau wanted to spare his ears.

I go to the living room, Yuri was already there, lying with Macau, P'Kim and Matteo were still in the office, so I go there to find the two looking at a bunch of paper.

"Hey..." I say softly "You two are still working?" I walk to them

"We're finishing, angel." P'Kim says pulling me to him

"This is the last paper we need to send, love." Matteo says touching my head gently

They send the paper, and we go to the living room and join Yuri and Macau. Each couple is in their own world. I'm laying against P'Kim's chest, and my legs are above Matteo's. We're not even talking, we're just looking into each other's eyes and playing with each other's hair and fingers. It's nice to be in love!

"Boys! Let's eat before the food gets cold." Aunty calls us

Apparently, in Italy, people don't usually eat meat on the 24th, so we were respecting that tradition. There was a traditional fish soup and then cod, which smells really great. It's different than what I'm used to eating, but this is, after all, an Italian house.

We eat with Aunty, we chat, we spend a good hour at the table, and I feel like I've eaten an entire pig by myself, but everything was so delicious I couldn't control myself. We sent Aunty to sleep, she was really tired, and she already has a certain age.

Yuri was selecting the movies while Matteo, P'Kim, and I finished cleaning the kitchen. So far, this has been the definition of a pleasant evening. Good food, good company, and happy talk.

"Love..." Matteo says, hugging my waist "I'm really happy you're here this Christmas."

"We are really glad that you chose us. After all that shit, we wouldn't judge you if you stayed in Japan and never came back." P'Kim says leaning onto us

"That would never happen. I love you two too much." I say relaxing against Matteo's chest and caressing P'Kim's hand

"The movie is starting, and you are in the kitchen!" Yuri says looking at us with his arms crossed, and I can't help but laugh.

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