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 Hellloooo I really needed to wrtite this story before I forget!! I thought of after ready EL James book o.o yeahh I thought of Larry Stylinson :) awesome right? Well the boys are gonna be in it too besides Hazz and Lou... but yerp gonna start now! Enjoy wankers!! 

UPDATE; Alright so I;m editing this and going to publish it, tonight or tomorrow, I don't know but have SOME MAJOR fixing to do! And I changed the title! Nothing much will be different! 


"Well me and your Mum decided to ... give you  your own business!"

The twenty year old bolted upright in his sleep, clenching his chest. He soon began to cry as memories from not so long ago flooded his mind. His therapist told him that they should be going away soon. But they haven't. He slipped out of bed and wrapped his arms around himself. He walked around, arms still wrapped around his naked torso. He needed to find his cell phone so he can call his foster brother Niall. 

He continued to walk through his empty halls until he gets to his house phone. He pick it up off the receiver and quickly starts to dial his brother's number, he tries his hardest not to sob as he listens to the rings and soon he hears rustling and is ready to break down.

"Hello?" Comes a deep Irish accent.

Without any words spoken, Harry breaks down in to sobs, blubbering about his nightmare, nothing that Niall can understand. He starts to sit up in his bed and rubs his eyes.

"Harry, love, calm down and tell me what happened." His brother speaks as calmly as he can.

But the younger can't just simply calm down, goddamn it! He just woke up from a tragic nightmare that had happened on the night of birthday just four years ago! Harry falls to his knees and tries to get his words out through his sobs.

"Hazz, calm down I'll be over in less than twenty minutes year?" 

Harry nods brokenly.and lets the phone fall from his shaking hands. He brings his hands to hair and put his head in between his knees. A couple minutes later, he hears the door opening, thankful that Niall had the spare key for moments like this. He hears Niall's feets padding against the carpeted floor.

"Harry! Where ya at?" Niall calls but stops when he sees his brother curled up against the wall. The twenty one year old rushes over to him and pulls him into his arms, cradling him. Harry grips on to Niall's shirt and cries even louder.

"It happened again, just like a broken record, Ni," He whispered once he was calmed down.

"What? Tell me."

"Ya know, just my mind kept replaying the crash. Hearing all the screams, the crying. My Mum's head colliding with the door," Harry shakes his head, he blinks, trying to will away the more tears that wants to come.

"Shh," Whispers Niall and kisses the top of brother's head. 

"Everything's gonna be okay, yeah? You me and the rest of us." 

Harry shakes his head and lets the tears fall.


"Mr. Styles?" 

Harry looked up from his pile of papers and saw his secretary Angie. What Angie sees of her boss shocks her; he has bags under his eyes, and they're rimmed red, indicating that he'd been crying. Harry sniffles and looks back down. Angie closes the door and pulls a chair up next to him, and she knows that's against one of the rules, but she doesn't care because her boss is in a crisis. 

She takes his hands in her light brown hands and squeezes them. "It was another one wasn't it?"

Harry nods and bites hsi lip as looks down, "Want me to cancel the meeting with EpitaphRecords?"

"I-- Yeah." He mumbles brokenly. 

Angie nods and stands, pulling Harry up with her. She pulls him into a hug. 

"Later on today, me, you, and Ni will go visit them okay?" Harry nodded, his face buried in her neck.

And god was he one he one fucked entrepreneur, who covers everything up by being cocky and stone cold.


Alright so I'm rewriting everything for a reason, 1; this prologue was absolute shit and 2; I'm going to publish this on Lulu :D so yeah hope this was much better and when I wrote it, it feels like I made Harry crazy ._.

A Piece of Heart x Larry Mpreg →COMPLETED {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now