19 - Stressing

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A/N: Oh god I feel terrible for leaving you hanging and then not writing!! Well here it is now!! OMG WHO WATCHED THE VMAS TWO DAYS AGO?! DID YOU SEE LOUIS' FACE WHEN SELENA KISSED HARRY'S CHEEK?! Oh gawd he looked pissed! I bet they had angry sex that night c; okay well here's chapter 19! TWO CHAPTERS LEFT!


It's been three days since Louis has been in the hospital. Doctors trying pinpoint why Louis bleed so much. They run as tests as they could, until one doctor (their main family doctor) found out why he'd bleed so much. The doctor picked up the phone by his desk to Harry. After three rings Harry answered.

"Hello ..?" His was deeper and slower in the mornings.

"Hello, goodmoring Mr. Styles, we've found the source of your husband's bleeding." The doctor spoke as he looked at the papers again.

There was a moment of silence then shuffling before Harry spoke, "Alright! Uh ... I'll be there soon!" Then quickly hung up.


Harry arrived soon than he said, he jumped out his Toyota Preis, he quickly scrambled into the hospital and to the front desk. The lady realized who he was, she told which room Louis was in. The Cheshire man smiled and muttered a quick 'thank you'.

He arrived at room 107, Harry took a deep breath before opening the door. He was surprised to see Louis awake.

"Where the fuck have been?!" Louis screamed. Harry looked confused and said a quick 'm'sorry'. He pulled a chair up and took the older man's petite hand in his. Louis snatched his hand away, hurt showing in cerulean eyes.

"Lou... I'm sorry!" Harry apologized, he got up on the bed, he kissed Louis cheek then neck.

"No you're not! How dare you leave me in this place of-" He was cut off by a pair of lips molding with his. He moaned into the kiss as Harry's tongue pried his lips apart, once they were, they both fought for dominance. Louis quickly losing, he loved the feeling of the younger's tongue rubbing in his mouth, tasting him.

"Holy shitballs!"

Louis and Harry looked up to see Liam, Niall, and Zayn in the doorway. Niall covered his oceanic blue eyes from the scene he walked into. Zayn burst out laughing, while Liam folded his arms.

Harry blushed a deep red and climbed off Louis. He sat back down with a little grin on his face.

Liam sighed, "Did you guys get the results back?"

Harry shook his head, making the curls bounce, "Yeah, he'll be in here soon, hopefully." Soon they started talking about what's happen in their past lifes, and how everything's going amongst them.

Three timid knocks rapped at the wooden door.

"Come in!" Louis called holding Harry's pale large hand. The doctor smiled and came in. He waved at everyone then turned to Louis, who sat up to pay more attention to the doctor.

"Ok well.. we've found the source of the bleeding, two reasons. One; your stress level was pretty high. That can affect the baby physically and sometimes mentally. May I ask what's been keeping you stressed Mr. Styles?" He asked before going on to the second reason.

Louis sighed, "Alot of things I don't want to talk about." He mutters while rubbing circles in Harry's palm.

"Okay, the second reason is that the baby, as it was moving, I assumed that, kicked a small blood vessel and burst it. The blood vessel's been fixed and patched up. Just know to be more careful, and no more stressful situations." He finished then left.

Louis turned to his husband with wide shock filled eyes. His mouth forming a small 'O'.

"Did you hear, Hazz? I could've died! We've could've died!" He shrieked squeezing his hand.

"Hey, no you two couldn't have died! Don't ever think that, OK? So for now, no more stressing, yeah?" Harry tried soothing his upset husband. Louis nodded numbly. Soon after their friends left without them knowing. Harry climbed back onto Louis' bed and pulled him into his arms. Louis wrapped his small, pixie arms, around Harry's long torso.

Harry put his lips to the older's forehead.

"I love you, Lou, so much, both of you." Harry whispered as he rubbed his stomach.

"I love you, and he love's you too." Louis smiles dreamily.


"Alright, Cassie, shoot me with baby names." Anessa said from across the table. Cassie had a smirk on her face.









"Wait ..." Anessa stopped herself from saying another name.

"What?" Cassie asked while drinking 'Arnold Palmer'.

"We should let Dad's choose." Anessa spoke. At that moment, Harry and Louis both walked in the door. The girls both get up, they rush to their Dad's and hug them.

"Gaahh, we've missed you so much!!" Anessa smiles.

Louis hugs his daughters back with as much love. He starts to tear up, I mean who wouldn't? Louis pulls away and hands Harry the bags (who puts them down with the other's). Harry pulls them all in a hug.

"I'm happy that I'm with the best family I've had." He murmurs.


Typo up there ^^! I meant three days ago! alright I've decided to end the book on chapter 22 guys happy?! Hahahaha I hope you are! ENJOY MY NEW BOOK "HEARTBEATS"! BYE I HAVE SCHOOL!

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