9 - A Visitor

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A.N.- Hello :) thank you all for the 738 reads and 28 votes :D I love you all!!! And I'm sorry for leaving you guys hanging in chapter 9 and why Lou had thrown up unexpectedly and why he was eating like a girl on her monthly visitor xD ahahaha! Okay well I'll answer all your questions in this chappie!! LET FSH BEGIN! HAPPY READING! - Effie Trinket

~Jasani xx


I awoken with the worst pain stomach. I groaned and tried to get up. I sat up with little success. I made my way to the bathroom. I clenched my stomach and leaned over the toilet. I threw up and laid my head on the cold cover.

"Lou..?" I heard Harry's soft whispered. I opened my mouth to say something but then found myself doubled over in pain again. Harry came in and his eyes widen in shock.

Hazz rushed over to me and pulled me into his arms whispering soothing words. After about ten minutes Harry looked down at me.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked. I groaned as an answer, even though I absolutely HATE the hospital! The doctors, the blood, the coldness! Ugh! I can't stand it! Harry pulled me up with him and he went to the dresser and threw me sweatpants and his white 'Jack Willis' sweatshirt. I put them on and soon we were heading to the hospital.

As we enter the lobby, I'm on my knees and clenching my stomach and on the verge on crying.

"LOUIS!" I hear Harry shout and see him kneel beside me. I see nurses rush to my aid. They Harry all kinds of questions as they push me down the hall. Next thing I know I have tubes and needles injected into me, then I'm being tested. I feel the pain again and scream trying to clench my stomach, but the tubes and IV needles are holding me back.

I wake up and I'm in my hospital room. I look around and the sun peeks behind the curtains. I look over and see Hazz's head on my legs sleeping while he holds my hand. I smile.

"You're up." I look around to find where the voice came from. My mum then comes into view. I gasp.

"M-mum?" I say barely above a whisper. She smiles and nods. I feel my eyes start to water. Mum walks over to me and hugs me, I hug her back with one arm so I don't wake Harry.

"Liam contacted me and told me you were in the hospital." My mum says as she rubs my hand. I don't say anything but let the tears fall. She looks down at my left hand.

"You're married?"She asked. I smile a little, remembering the night Hazz proposed. I shake my head.

"Engaged." I murmur to her. She looks at then at me.

"Is it him?" She asked lightly. I shake my head. She opens her mouth to say something but the door opens and a woman in a white coat and and blue scrubs enter with a clipboard in her hands.

"Ah, Tomlinson you're awake." She smiles I nod and Harry stirs then wakes up confused for a second. He looks up at me and I smile. He presses his lips gently to mine then pulls back.

I look back at the doctor as she's talking to my Mum quietly. Then turns to me and gives Mum a slight nod.

"We've found out why you're in pain Mr.Tomlinson." She says walking over to me.

I sit up more and try to be careful not to rip the IV out of my arm.

"Well. What is it?" Harry askes impatiently. I squeeze his hand and bite my lip and the doctor looks down at the clipboard.

"Well we've run three different tests on him, and got back the same results; Louis is pregnant. I know it's an unnatural pregnancy for a man. It's impossible for this to happen but I believe, that Mrs. or Mr. Tomlinson agreed to do a test on Louis a few years ago when he was a little boy, around the age of 8-10. Other boys in the city got the test as well." She explained. I frozen at her words. My eyes widen.

"WHAT?! H-HOW?!" I nearly shout. Hazz says something but I ignore him and listen for the doctor's answer.

"Well, we put this small sample of PFA inside of the boys. As for you Louis, and three years later we come to check if you have developed the female organs. The boys didn't except for you. We thought it was something wrong so we just let it slip thinking the machines are old and janky. But as the years went by, you have a development of ovaries, eggs, and uterus." She says calmly. I stare at her. Not believing a word she says.

I look over at Mum for a pleading look. She just turns and looks away tears falling.

"Will he be able to have sexual intercourse?" Harry blurts out. I look at him and wanted to cover his mouth for being foolish.

"Of course, but once the baby is starting to grow to become full there can't be any." She say then checks my needles and leaves. I'm still trying to grasp what she's said to us. To me.

"Mum! Why'd you agree to it?!" I nearly shout almost waking Lottie and the twins.

"I was being stupid! Alright? I thought it was to see if you had the flu or H1N1." She weeps. I bite my so hard I taste the blood seeping through.

"I need to talk to Harry. Alone." I grumble folding my arms. Mum shakes her and gets the girls up and out. Once they leave I glare at Harry.

"What? What'd I do?" He asked putting his hands up a bit.

"That fucking question! Why'd you ask?" I smirk a bit. He know he couldn't stay away from me. I mean his is bigger and better, I'll be craving for it. Hahahaha.

"I don't know. Just asking. I mean, I bet we make a beautiful creation." He smiles and leans into give me a sweet passionate kiss. I kiss back, adding a little aggressiveness in the kiss.

"Someone's wanting me." He says pulling away.

I laugh. "Just shut up and kiss me you fool."


I'm speechless. I'm obsessed with Larry can't be away from their smut more than 2 hours. I'm addicted to Niall. Hell. I'm addicted to The Hunger Games. Fuck. I'm in love with BMTH'S new album Sempiternal. And Deathbeds. I'm gonna cry. Okay bye ~Jasani

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