23 - Oh, Reunions!

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Sooo guys how'd you like chapter 22? Quiet unexpected, yeah? Well if you'd read 21 you'll understand >:D MWAHAHAHAHAH Hmm.. I think I'll involve more witchcraft in book two becuase I think it'll go perfect with what I'm coming in mind yayyy! I'll give a sneek peek at the end yeah?


Harry eyes widen and fills with tears. He's feeling lightheaded. He swallows thickly and hands Cameron over to Louis. He shakily stands. He let's the tears fall freely.


After that one name he falls. Falls hard on ground. He hears shouts of panic and terror. At that he let's his mind go blank.


"Gems, take Cameron for me?" Harry hears Louis' high voice.

"Yeah, yeah."

Holy. Fucking. Shit. He wasn't dreaming. He wanted it to be a dream so goddamn badly! But no, Gemma's right here alive and walking, and didn't tell him? He snapped his eyes open quickly and looked around.


That's all he saw was white. The walls were faint blue and the curtains white. He looked over searching for Louis. He found him in his gown and grey sweats the hospital gave him along with the comfy slippery socks. Louis smiles at Harry. Harry narrows his eyes a little.

"Gemma. She's dead right?" Harry asks.

Louis swallows and stands up, "No, she's not. She's actual alive, babe."

Harry closes his eyes again and balls up his fist in the blanket. He wants to shout at everyone and cry. He lets the blanket fall from his grip. He covers his face. He then feels the bed being dipped. He's then surrounded in warm tan arms. He let's his head fall on to Louis' shoulder and choked sobs fall from his pink lips. He's clucking onto Louis like a lifeline. He pulls away and looks up to see bright blue eyes staring at him with love and adoration floating in his eyes. Harry then has the urge to kiss him, he looks down.

"Is she really alive?"

"Yeah she is, I don't know how but she is. Want to see her?"

The younger nods willingly. Louis kisses him and then gets up off the bed to go to the door, he opened it up enough so he can squeeze through. Harry's left alone for about 50 seconds before Gemma appears. Harry's eyes widen and fills up with s fresh batch of tears. Gemma's fills up too. Harry jumps off the bed (glad there's no tubes hooked up to him) and run over to Gemma. Soon he's in her arms once again in almost two decades. He takes a big swift of her perfume. Just like home. Mum and Dad.

He pulls away.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" He explodes.

Gemma's taken aback but then realises what he's talking about, "Look, I'm sorry Ok? I mean I was there when after the accident. And-and I should I have told you, but I wanted you to wait. So I've b-"

Harry cuts her off with his shouting, "Waiting!? Why the hell did you wait so goddamn long Gemma?!" I've been torn apart by this for basically my whole life! I didn't have any family expect Sue and Niall! Yeah I have a family of my own now but guess what? I didn't have my family on Christmas! That hurt me!"He shouts as tears stream down his reddened face. Gemma silently listens as she cries too, because she didn't know she could cause someone so much pain as she did to her younger brother.

A Piece of Heart x Larry Mpreg →COMPLETED {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now