14 - Fool For Love

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A/N: My heavens. I love you guys! Thank you all for the reads!! I bet half of you didn't expect the ending of 13 xD okay well, my computer broke xc and I can't get on Wattpad, so my only choice is phone and wait until the 6 which is tomorrow... so lemme start! oh and I'm taking questions about the story! okay bye.


[Narrator's POV]

Louis sat in his room still holding his husband's pillow in his arms. He couldn't cry anymore, he was all wrung out like a towel. There was only small sniffles coming from his small figures.

Harry walked in the door, and took his shoes off. He sighed as thought of what happened earlier today in the store, guilt was eating him away if didn't tell Louis. "Hey! I'm home!" He announced. "Hey Dad! Where were you?" Cassy came from den and hugged her father.

"I was working again," Harry lied and hugged her. "Where's Nessa and your Dad?" He asked looking into Cassy's green eyes.

"Ness... I think she's upstairs with her friends and Dad's upstairs. he's been there since he got home. I went to see what's wrong but all I was him lying on the bed, crying.. I think." She explained, shuffling her feet. Harry's heart sunk at the thought of Louis crying.

'But why was he crying?' He asked himself. He told Cassy he'll fix food in little bit and went upstairs to see what was wrong with Louis. He opened the door to see Louis lying on the bed, staring blankly at the telly.

"Lou, I'm home." Harry said as he made his way to Louis's small figure. Louis didn't look up only mumbled a small /hello/. He felt the bed dip and strong arms pull him into hug. "I've missed you." Harry whispered into the nape of the smaller man's neck.

Louis didn't know what to do, he debated either to pretend he didn't know anything about Harry's affairs or simply move out to clear his head. Louis mentally sighed and wrapped his arms around Harry's long torso.

"I've ... missed you too." He whispered, as he felt tears prick his eyes but quickly blink them away. They pulled back and stared into each other's eyes. As Harry looked into Louis' eyes, he saw a mixture of emotions; sadness, pain, hurt, a lot more he couldn't describe. "Lou, is everything okay?" He asked looking at his husband. Louis dropped his gaze then got up, and started to the door, he turned to face Harry, "Yeah, m'fine. I'm going to take Cassy to her friend's then go visit Eleanor." He tried to smile but couldn't. Instead he hurried the downstairs and waited for Cassy to get her things.

Once she was downstairs, Louis stood up and grabbed the keys, soon him and Cassy were out the door. As they started down. Fox Drive, Cassy decided to break the silence. "Dad, why were you crying?" She asked, her voice sounded innocent to Louis, he stopped at a red light then turned to his nine-year-old daughter. He bit his lip and blinked a couple of times.

"Nothing, just emotional stuff. Don't sweat about it, love." He half smiled then turned his attention to the road, soon they arrived in a weathly townhome village. Louis pulled up to a two-story house with red bricks and perfectly cut grass. "Call me or Dad if you need anything!" Louis called after her as she made her way up the gravel path, she turned and smiled. Soon she disappeared into the house.

Louis then turned on the radio and made his way to Eleanor's house. Twenty minutes later he stood on her doormat, knocking, waiting for her to answer. When he thought she'd never come, he turned around but at the last minute, she came to the door in pajama pants and black jumper.

"Louis?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. Louis turned around, happy that his friend opened the door. "C-can I come in?" He asked taking a shaky breath. She nodded and stepped aside. Louis walked into the familiar penthouse, soon he made his way to the sofa and folded his legs and waited for Eleanor to come back with Tea.

"Okay, I know something's wrong, just tell me." Eleanor turned to Louis. Louis looked down and bit his lip, trying his hardest not to cry from today's events. "W-well... this morning... I went over to /The Wedge/ to go get some things for me," Louis felt the tears fall from his eyes, but he continued. "A-as I was in the veggie aisle -he let out a nervous chuckle- I saw Harry, I thought he was at work. But, I got a closer look... and he.." Louis buried his in his arms, Eleanor pulled Louis into a big hug and held hike tightly.

"It's going to be okay." She whispered still holding his shaking figure. "No! Our marriage is falling apart! I should've saw this coming!" Louis said as more tears fell from eyes. Louis then felt his phone vibrate. He pulled away from Eleanor's hug to take his phone out, it was a text from Harry.

"It-It's Harry." He mumbled to Eleanor. She told him to /go on and read the text/. Louis shakily opened the text and nearly fainted from what he saw.

‹ To: Louis♥ From Harry :) ›

Josh, I can't keep doing this anymore. You know I have a family right? And if Lou finds out about our affair, he'd freak. So I'm calling it quits.

Louis dropped the phone and buried his face into Eleanor's shoulder and cried his outs. "El-Eleanor, it's tr-true!" He let out a choked sob. Eleanor didn't know what to do, instead she held him tighter and murmured reassuring words to him. "Louis, I promise everything will be okay, just go talk to him and clear everything." She rubbed his back and pulled away.


The next few days weren't the same. Harry tried talking to his husband but he'd only push him away, silently whispering /why/. Harry never understood why Louis was acting that way. One Harry found Louis in the music room playing the familiar cords to /Lovesick Fool/. Louis didn't hear Harry come in, he cried as he played the cords.

"Where'd you go? You said you'll never leave me," Louis sang quietly. "All alone, my heart is barely beating Like a ghost you haunt me every day that you're gone." He continued. Harry moved forward and stood behind Louis as he played the last final cords of the song.

He turned around to see Harry staring down at him. "Hi, Hazz." He whispered as he got up made his way towards the door, Harry followed him. "Lou can you tell me what's been bothering you for the week? Please, you're making me feel distant." Harry begged as they reached the kitchen.

Louis turned around, tears in eyes, threatening to spill over at any second. "My problem is /you/." Louis growled staring at Harry. The Cheshire man widened his eyes. Confusion written all over face, "What? How?" He asked. That only set Louis' blood pulsing through his vains.

"Stop playing dumb Harry!" Louis shouted putting the skillet down. Harry was taken aback but silently listened. "I know what happened last week! I saw it with my own to eyes! How could you?! Was I wasn't good enough for you?! Was that it? Well Harry, everyone's not perfect like you!" Louis shouted through tears but continued, "I just don't understand! You had an affair with some bloke named Josh! Why didn't you tell me? Huh? You thought I'd get mad? How long has this been going on?" Louis looked at Harry square in the eye.

Harry bit his lip, guilt settled inside him he took a deep breathe, "Almost a month." He whispered and his head hung in shame. Louis was shocked to this. "A MONTH?!" He shouted as he moved closer to Harry. "I can't believe you! Wha- Why?! Why'd you marry me ten years ago? Why would you if you'd go and cheat on me? Jesus Harry! I hate you! I mean it Harry!" Louis yelled as tears fell from his eyes.

Louis's words hit Harry like a sack of bricks, tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry.." He murmured. "No, you're not. I.. I need time to think." Louis whispered to himself. Harry didn't want Louis to leave for good. Yeah he did a major fuck up in their marriage, but that can change right?

He got up from the bar stool and wrapped his arms around Louis's small torso. "Don't touch me!" Louis said prying his hands off of Louis. Harry didn't let go, instead he held him tighter. "Lou, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't know what went through me. I wanted to tell you but .. I'd got scared and thought you'll leave." Harry murmured as he looked into his husband's blue eyes.

"No, how I do know you'll do that again? I told you I need time to think. I'll be with Mum down in Doncaster, I'll be back when I've made up my mind." Louis said as he pulled away from Harry's arms and that was end of conversation.


Okay um here ya go. it's almost three and I'm tired goodnight.

A Piece of Heart x Larry Mpreg →COMPLETED {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now