13 - 8 Years Later

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Im a little mad, because my little sister used my laptop and closed out the browser and the process didn't save -.- like da fuq bro? So I'm gonna make this shit quick, Thank you all for the votes and 1009 reads!!THANKS YOU GUYS! Oh, and there's a sequel coming out on June 10th! I'll do a small little preview after chapter 20! And there's a lot of drama ;) 'kay enjoy you fucking kittens oh and the video on the side is DNA :]


[Harry's POV]

i woke to the sound of Anessa and Cassy bickering again. I groan and get up, I throw on some sweatpants and groggily walked into the kitchen to find what I had expected; Cassy messing with Anessa, Louis trying to make Cassy to stop. "Good morning, loves." I say as I smiled, when I entered. Anessa looks up and annoyance in her eyes and grumble a good morning Dad. "Good Morning Dad!" Cassy smiled at me and went into the living. I turn to Louis, and hug him from behind. "And good morning to my wonderful husband." I kiss his neck. He smiles and twists his neck to kiss my cheek. "Good morning to you too, Hazz." He says as he mixes pancake batter. "Dad!!" I hear Anessa shouts. "I'll see what's up with up her." I say and peck Lou on the lips.

I walk down the hallway towards Nessa's room. I open the door and her room's different from when she was five, the room has a creamy white color on the walls, and it's covered with bands I've never heard of, and singers. There's a queen bed on the far left side, with stuffed animals and pillows, on the east wall is a small porch with a easel and lounge chairs, on the right side is her is her dresser and desk lined with pictures of our family.

"Dad, can I ask a question?" She asks, looking innocent as she sits in the middle of her bed with her tablet beside her. I sit on the edge of her bed, "Of course you, can." I smile at her. She looks down as if she's scared or something. "Anessa, you can me anything that's bothering you." I tell her reassuringly. She takes a deep breath. "Everyone's making fun of me, because I have two fathers. Nick Grimshaw always calling you guys fags! I punched him for it, and got sent to the office, remember?" She explains. My mouth hangs open, I'm going to have to speak to his parents. "And," She continued as she chewed on her thumb nail, a habit she got from Louis. "I'm always wondering who was my birth Mum, because I know Dad can't have kids, that's impossible right?" She says my eyes widen.

Whoa, I'd never thought she ask about this. I think to myself and gnaw on my lip. "Hold on, let me get Louis to show you." I get up and walk into the kitchen where Louis is setting the last pancakes down on a plate. "Lou, I need you come and talk with me and Nessa." I say tugging his arm. He gives me a confused but goes along with it. "Ness, you never had a birth mother." I say. Anessa looks up confused.

"What? Then how was I born?" She asks looking into my eyes. I look over at Louis and he sighs, as if he knew this day would come but at the age of ten and a half. Louis lifted up his shirt to reveal a two lined scar shaped like a big C. Anessa looks closer and cautiously touches it. " I don't understand, how was I born like that?" She asked. "Long story, sweetheart." Louis says and kisses her forehead and pulls his shirt down.


[Louis POV]

The next day, Harry went to work and I took the girls to school. I sat in the living room, it was my day off. I stared blanking at the TV as some American movie played. I groaned and turned it off and made my way to the kitchen, I fished in cupboards to snack on. I find some pickles and plain chips. I just shrugged and grabbed them both and roamed around my home, bored as ever. I decide to call Niall. "Hey, Louis!"Niall's Irish accent thick over the phone. "Hey, I'm bored and I'm all by m'self. Can you come over?" I said munching on a pickle. "Yeah sure! I'll be there in ten." Hey says and hangs up, I smile at the thought of not being alone anymore.

A Piece of Heart x Larry Mpreg →COMPLETED {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now