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Vicki Donovan was confused. Her neck hurt and her mind felt scrambled, and not in the good way she remembered when she got high. She pushed the food provided by the hospital around on her plate, not really hungry. She was bored.

Glancing over at Matt she realised he hadn't even woken up when the nurse had brought the food in. Next thing she knew she was throwing the tub of jello at him with a smile.

Matt stirred, mumbling to himself, "What the fuck?"

Vicki laughed, smiling at him, "Finally, you're awake!"

Matt pulled himself up on the chair, "Hey. How are you feeling?"

Vicki was smiling, so he continued, "You look better. I was worried before... You really had me freaked out with all that screaming."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Vicki asked curiously, confusion evident on her face.

"You don't remember?" Matt asked sceptically.

Vicki glanced around, that odd feeling returning, before saying "I feel fine."

She hoped she sounded reassuring.

"Good... good," Matt inhaled deeply, clearly confused. "Doctor said you could come home tomorrow."

Vicki was smiling again, and Matt couldn't help but ask, "Vic, what attacked you in the woods?"

Vicki hesitated.

She glanced around the room, as if waiting for someone to appear and grab her again.

Breathing out slowly, she said, "An animal."

Matt looked at her and she continued, "What else could it have been?"

Matt didn't get to question her any further as Jeremy was entering the room.

"Hey," He breathed, relieved at the sight of Vicki sitting up and talking. "I was, I was just down the hall with Lois. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," Vicki smiled, as Matt looked between the pair weirdly.

"I...I'm gonna...I'm gonna go grab a coffee," He said, standing up.

He greeted Jeremy as he passed. "Hey, Jer."

"Why are you here?" Vicki stopped herself. "I mean, I know why you're here but why are you in my room?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." Jeremy replied.

"Did you see that look on Matt's face? That was suspicion. I don't want people to find out about us, Jeremy." Vicki warned.

"Well, you gotta get over that."

"Tyler is finally showing some interest." Vicki sighed, a slight desperation in her tone.

"You have to get over that, too," Jeremy repeated, before his voice took on a mocking tone. "Do you see Mr. Concerned? Tyler? Are you under there? No."

Vicki laughed as Jeremy lifted the blankets at the end of the bed, jokingly checking if Tyler was under the bed.

She quickly composed herself, "It's not cool for people to know. Okay? I'm older than you, and... Matt and Elena would freak."

"No one's going to suspect anything," Jeremy reassured. "Why wouldn't I check on you? I mean, I'm the one who found you."

"You are?"

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