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Lois hated having dirty dishes and cups in her room. It was pretty rare for Lois to even eat in her room, because she hated the idea of getting crumbs in her bed. 

She tried to wait until Elena's little gathering was over, but something about the bowl on her desk was making her uncomfortable and she knew she wouldn't be able to settle until the dish was in the sink or the dishwasher. 

Rolling her eyes at her own ridiculousness, Lois stood and grabbed the bowl before walking down the stairs as quietly as she could. 

She had heard the doorbell ring not long ago, so she knew there were more people in the house than when she went upstairs. 

She could almost feel the extra auras in the house, and she wondered whether that was the reason the dirty bowl in her room was upsetting her so much more than usual.

Lois slipped into the kitchen, quickly dropping the bowl into the sink with the plan of escaping back upstairs without being noticed. 

Luck, however, was not on her side. 

Elena appeared in the doorway, the dishes from her dinner gathered in her hands. 

That wasn't what scared Lois. 

What scared Lois was the fact that Damon the bloodsucking demon was standing behind her.

It was if the world around her suddenly started moving in slow motion, Lois could see Elena talking to her and talking to Damon but it felt as if she was underwater. 

Everything was muffled and her vision began to swim in front of her. 

It reminded her of when she was drowning, the terror she felt as she realised she was going to die after seeing her parents drown right in front of her. 

Elena was in front of her then, but when Lois didn't snap out of it, Elena gently placed her hands on her face. 

The immediate onslaught of images, sounds, colours and feelings was enough to make Lois gasp out as if she'd been electrocuted. 

She could see now that Damon's brother, Stefan, from the roof was also in her house. In fact, it seemed as if Elena and Stefan were dating

Her stomach was twisting with unease and waves of anxiety washed over her. 

"Lois, Lois," Elena repeated, forcing her head to make eye contact with her. "You're okay, you're safe, you're home."

Lois blinked, forcing herself to get it together. 

She refused to break down in front of this monster again

"I'm Damon Salvatore," the blue-eyed demon introduced. "You must be Lois, the littlest Gilbert."

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