Chapter 2: On the Hunt

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After hours if wandering the two had found a small mountain, climbing to the top they were pleasantly surprised to see a nice flat spot where they could set up camp. Katya sat beside the fire using a small knife she always carried on her to carve out a piece of wood that she would later turn into a hunting bow. Apollyon laid on a mat he had weaved together with vines and grass to make a comfortable bed.
"So you do know some things" he said looking over at the bow she was crafting.
"Yes, in my village we hunt and gather. I'm not completely useless" she mumbled, her eyes stayed on the project at hand.
"Well that's good though that dinky little bow won't get you to far in these lands" he said with a smirk.
"Dinky?" Katya scoffed and put the bow down to look at him, "If i can hunt a great elk I can hunt any man" she said stubbornly. Apollyon laughed "we will see now won't we" he says cockily. Katya huffed but picked up her bow and started stringing it. "I will be back" Apollyon said getting up from his bed roll and grabbing his sword. Katya gave him a strange look but kept quiet, glad to have some peace to finish her bow.

A loud thud broke Katya out of her trance, the bow was complete and she had started making arrows until she heard the noise. Apollyon stood there, giant crocodile carcass at his feet as he rooted through his pouches looking for a knife.
"Ever eaten Crocodile?" He asks, kneeling down to the animal and started carving it's skin off. Katya scrunched up her face, "No and judging by the look of it I bet it tastes horrible" she says eyeing the crocodile's carcass.
"Don't judge it until you have tasted it yourself" Apollyon says grabbing a stick and piercing a chunk of meat on it. He laid a few of these sticks out around the fire so they could sit and cook. Katya paid no attention to the meat until the smell of food hit her nose and her stomach growled. Knowing where the meat came from should have turned her off of the stuff but her empty stomach played tricks on her, made her think maybe it wouldn't be that bad.
"Here" Apollyon said handing her the first cooked bit of meat.
"Thank you" Katya said sheepishly, eyeing the meat. A sniff test made her question if this food was really edible or not. Apollyon picked up a stick and bit into it without hesitation before eyeing Katya weirdly. 'Hmm well if he can eat it then it can't be that bad' she thinks before taking a bite for herself. The meat was tender and very mild much to Katya's surprise, after the first bite she greedily ate the rest of it. A few sticks of meat later Katya lay by the fire, drowsy but happy and full.
"Get some rest we have a big day tomorrow, I can't wait to see what you do with that bow of yours" Apollyon said leaning against the trunk of a tree.
Katya yawned before mumbling "oh we will".

Sleep took over her quickly and soon the morning sun shone above them. Katya awoke and sat up, dusting the dirty off her face.
"Well good morning princess" Apollyon said as he dumped a pile of wood next to the fire, looking like he had been up for hours already.
"Don't call me that" Katya said shooting him a glare before getting up and dusting the dirt off her clothes.
"Ready to go get some breakfast?" He asked leaning against the tree with a smirk on his face. Katya nodded and grabbed her bow, excited to show him what an excellent marksman she was.

The two descended the hilltop on which their camp lied and ventured through the swamp. Apollyon walked gingerly behind Katya who stalked through the swamps.
"We haven't found any creatures yet, are you sure your good at hunting?" Apollyon asked, mocking her.
"Well if you didn't walk around so casually with your heavy footsteps then the creatures wouldn't run away and hide" she snapped at him, getting annoyed with his attitude. Apollyon laughed behind her as Katya grit her teeth, she knew agreeing to travel with him was a bad idea.
"Look!" Katya whispered pointing to a lone bird that sat on the water and floated around lazily.
"Well" Apollyon said motioning with his hands toward the bird, waiting expectantly for her to attack. Katya grabbed an arrow and cocked it into her bow. Taking a deep breathe she pulled the string back and aims her bow.
"Any day now" Apollyon said earning him a glare before Katya looked back at the bird. The arrow flew through the air and hit the bird right where she thought the heart was. The bird squawked and flailed around before trying to fly, barely making it a foot away from where it departed before it dropped to the ground.
"Ha! Look at that!" Katya said proudly as she turned to face Apollyon.
"Are you so sure about that?" He laughed as he pointed behind her.
"What are you talking about..." she says turning around to see where he was pointing at. A flock of the same type of bird was flying right at her. Katya ducked and covered her head just in time to dodge a few birds that dove down and tried to peck at her. The more Katya screamed the louder Apollyon's laughing grew as he sat there watching her run around swatting at the birds that were dive bombing her.
"Help me" Katya cried out to him.
"Why? It is so much more fun to watch you struggle" Apollyon said in between laughs as he wipes a tear from his eye. After a few more minutes of watching her struggle Apollyon finally walked over to her, unsheathing his sword. He stabbed a few birds before the flock took the hint and scattered, leaving her alone.
"What took you so long?" She asked bewildered.
"Your lucky I came to help you at all" Apollyon said as he put his sword away, Katya looked at him with her jaw hanging open in shock.
"At least we got some breakfast now" Apollyon said picking up a few of the bird's carcasses that littered the ground.

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