Chapter 11 Jealousy part 2

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Katya, Apollyon and Aboddon sat around the campfire, Katya had made rabbit stew for them all.
"Katya is amazing! She taught me how to hunt rabbit" Aboddon said, gushing to Apollyon. He had been like this for half an hour, talking about Katya to Apollyon as if he had never met her before. Oh she is just so amazing, did you know she knew how to do this and that? Apollyon's eyebrow twitched as he tried to stuff his emotions deep down inside himself. He wanted nothing more then to grab Aboddon by the back of the head and stick his face deep into the campfire but he held himself back, knowing Katya would never forgive him.
"Here" Katya said, handing Apollyon the first bowl of stew.
"T..thank you" he said, he had been zoning out the whole time that Aboddon had been talking that he didn't even notice Katya walk over. She gave Aboddon a bowl then grabbed one for herself before sitting at the campfire close to Apollyon. Apollyon took a spoonful of the stew and his eyes widened, this was the best rabbit stew he had ever tasted.
"It's good" Apollyon said to Katya which made her smile and look away nervously.
"Good? This food is amazing! Katya not only are you beautiful but you cook the most divine food!" Aboddon gushed.
'Ass kisser' Apollyon thought grumpily as he shovelled more food into his mouth.
"Oh my!" Aboddon gasped in pain, Apollyon looked at him strangely, "I burnt my hand!" Aboddon said, getting up and walking over to Katya.
"I don't think i can so much as hold my own spoon, please help me Katya" Aboddon said sitting right in between Katya and Apollyon, pushing Apollyon over slightly. Katya sighed and grabbed his spoon, 'you can't be serious?' Apollyon thought watching them with a mouth full of food. Katya picked up his spoon, filling it with lots of meat and vegetables and fed Aboddon.
"My lord! you are a fire demon!" Apollyon said angrily standing up. "Fire doesn't hurt you!" He growls sticking his hand into the fire. Katya looked at Apollyon's hand then back at Aboddon before dropping his spoon back into his bowl and scooting away from him a bit.
"I'm going to grab some more stew" Apollyon said rolling his eyes and going to the table where the big pot of stew sat, Aboddon following to do the same.
"What are you doing?" Apollyon hissed at him.
"Just having some fun" Aboddon replied with a mischievous smirk.
"I told you to back of and you are doing the complete opposite" the two talked in whispers so Katya could not hear a word they were saying.
"And i told you cousin" Aboddon hissed back, dropping the act he had been playing for Katya, "that I. Want. Your. life. Every part of it, including your little mate here" Aboddon says looking at Katya hungrily. A growl erupted from Apollyon's throat as he grabbed Aboddon by the neck and lifted him off his feet, bringing him close to his face. "You stay the fuck away from her!" He growled, his eyes turning bright red.
"Apollyon!" Katya said jumping up from her seat.
"LEAVE! NOW! Before I rip your fucking throat out and leave your body to the wolves!" Apollyon yells as he throws Aboddon to the ground. Katya runs over to the two and stands in between Apollyon and Aboddon.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yells at Apollyon, this was the angriest she had ever seen Katya. "He has been nothing but nice and all you done is be cruel to him!" She scolded him like a child because at this moment she thought that was exactly what Apollyon was acting like.
"This does not concern you NYMPH" The way Apollyon said nymph made her flinch slightly, he had never talked to her this way before. "Are you really that stupid? He is tricking you! Deceiving you and you are falling for it!" Apollyon growled angrily as he started to pace.
"You have no right to talk to me like that" Katya said through gritted teeth.
"Like what? You are too stupid to see what he is doing!" Apollyon yelled.
"Why are you being so heartless?" Aboddon cried out acting like he was scared. Another growl erupted from Apollyon as he grabbed a knife off the table and started walking towards Aboddon, ready to slit his throat. Katya tried to get in his way to stop her but Apollyon grabbed her shoulder roughly and pushed her to the ground. Quickly Katya grabbed onto Apollyon's ankle and swiped his leg from under him causing him to fall to the ground. She quickly got up and ran to Aboddon, helping him up so they could get away from Apollyon, "I do not know what has overcome you but I do not like it" Katya spat before walking into the forest with Aboddon. Apollyon got up and in his rage he went over to the table and threw it across the camp before screaming out in rage.

"Are you okay?" Katya asked Aboddon who was sitting on a fallen tree. He grabs her hand and holds it between his two hands, "Do not worry about me for a second, are you alright?" He asked looking into her eyes with such worry. Katya looked down at him holding her hand, a weird feeling emanated from her core as she took her hand away from his.
"Yes, I am fine" she says smiling at him. She took a deep breathe and turned towards the camp, she wanted to talk to Apollyon, figure out what was happening with him.
"Do not worry about my cousin, he was always a hot head head" Aboddon said standing up and walking around so he was in front of Katya. She didn't like the position she was in, alone in the forest with Aboddon. Her trust was completely with Apollyon so it made her suspicious as to why exactly he was acting so strange. Taking a step back to try and gain some space between them was futile because with every step she took, he would take one closer.
"My cousin was never one to know how to properly treat a lady" Aboddon says reaching to grab her hand once more but Katya was getting tired of his games and refused to let him grab it. She kept taking a step back until her back hit a tree. Aboddon put his hands on the tree, one hand on each side of her head and leaned in closely. "If you were my woman I would never treat you like that" Aboddon said making Katya fee uneasy. "I could make you my woman if that is what you desire" Aboddon said, releasing on hand off the tree to snake down to her waist and pull her closer. She could see Aboddon lowering his head to kiss her and out of instinct she kneed him in the groin and pushed him away from her. Aboddon stood hunched over gasping for breathe as Katya moved away from the tree. "You test my patience, it is only because you are Apollyon's cousin that I do not castrate you here and now" she said glaring at him. Katya turned to leave but Aboddon grabbed her wrist to stop her.
"Please, I have obviously gone to far and I truly do love my cousin. I promise I will be on better behaviour" Aboddon pleaded. Katya ripped her arm away from his grasps and glared at him.
"No more fighting" she demanded.
"None at all!" Aboddon agreed.
"And you will stop egging on his anger"
"Of course! Anything you wish"
Katya stood there for a moment in thought before sighing and saying "Fine, let's go back".

Apollyon sat at the fire, his head in his hands. He knew he had messed up royalty and prayed to whatever god would listen that Katya came back.
"Father, why can I not be like you? Please guide me, where ever you are, help me fight my anger and be as calm as you were when I was a child" he pleaded, looking up at the starry night. A crack in the woods caught his attention and he watched, waited. A smile appeared on his face when he saw an angry Katya walk out, Aboddon shortly behind her.
"Katya!" Apollyon said running up to her and grabbing her hands, "please forgive me. I know what I have done is unforgivable but I promise you I will try to control my anger better"
Katya looked down at her hands in his and blushed slightly before looking up and away, not moving her hands from his.
"I will forgive you for now" she said and looked down, "I understand, me and my cousins used to fight to.. we just never tried to kill each other" Katya said trying to make a joke out of the situation.
"Thank you" Apollyon said pulling her into a hug. Katya was stiff and she felt awkward at first but she eventually wrapped her arms around him and burrier her head into his shoulder to hide the redness of her face. Aboddon coughed and ruined the moment by getting Apollyon's attention. Katya stepped out of the hug and walked over to the fire to give them space.
"Dear cousin, I am sorry for purposely getting you mad. We are not children anymore and I really need to remember that, plus i promised Katya to be on my best behaviour so I will try my best not to get under your skin" Aboddon said, Apollyon could see right through this little charade of his but at that moment he finally understood the game he was playing.
"No! No, I should apologize. I have been nothing but rude to you when you are having such a hard tome. I promise to try be more caring to you especially in your time of need" Apollyon said grabbing Aboddon and pulling him into a hug. Katya sat by the fire watching the two of them with a giant smile on her face.
"Well done cousin" Aboddon said through gritted teeth.

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