Chapter 5: Durg Part 1

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Katya stood with her blade to Apollyons chest, he had his hands up, surrendering to her.
"You have gotten better" Apollyon said with a smirk.
"I know you went easy on me but thank you" Katya said letting her sword drop and taking a step back. Apollyon sheathed his sword and put his hands on his hips, "I think your ready for a real test" he says, she had improved greatly in the past couple days they had been training.
"Oh? And what is that?" Katya's curiosity perked up, she felt confident with her new found skills.
"I think it's time we pay my dear cousin a visit"
"You have a cousin?"
"Yes, Durg, he lives under this rancid bar in the desert" Katya looked at him confused, she had never been to a desert before.
"Pack quickly Katya it will be a long journey" Apollyon said as he started walking around the messy camp and started picking up random things. Katya quickly packed her pouches with medical things, herbs and potions because if this was Apollyon cousin she could not underestimate him.

Walking through the swamp was easy, any foe they crossed paths with was easily slain. Going from lush forests. To the dry and hot desert was hard for Katya, she had to stop frequently for water at any little pond or river they passed. Finally after what seemed like hours they reached a massive city, it's walls spanned out for miles and humans could be seen littering the tops of the walls. Katya grew nervous, this was the most amount if humans she had ever seen in her life and it made her uneasy.
"Wait" Katya said, grabbing the back of Apollyons armour and cowering behind him.
"What is it?" He asked turning around and looking at her with a worried look.
"There are so many humans here.." Katya said in a quiet voice.
Apollyon put his hands on her shoulder and leant down so he was eye level with her.
"Damacias isn't a place to fear, the people her are free and they don't just attack things they fear" he tried to reassure her, "plus i will be beside you every step of the way so If anything happens you know I will take care of it". Katya smiled up at Apollyon and nodded her head, she felt safe with him around.
"Alright, you ready?" He asked and didn't move until Katya said yes. The two of then walked through town, Katya stood right behind Apollyon almost hiding behind him. As they walked through town many people stopped to look at them, whispering and giggling to each other. They pointed at Katya who knew they were talking about her horns, it made her feel insecure but quietly walked. Apollyon stopped and transformed, his wings and horns popping out of his skin as he turned into his demon form.
"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? YOU WANT SOMETHING TO GAUWK AT WELL I AM RIGHT HERE!" He yelled angrily as her snarled at all the people around them. Everyone averted their eyes and scattered from them.
"Thank you Apollyon" Katya said softly, putting her hand on his shoulder, her touch made him visibly relax but he still had a scowl on his face.

The two stopped behind the town's bar at a dingy looking door, "this is it?" Katya asked confused, she had expected a grand castle not the basement door to a bar.
"Yes it is, go in" Apollyon said opening the door and waiting for her to enter first. Katya walked in and the first thing she noticed was how dirty the place was, spiderwebs hung from the corners and a thick layer of dust and grime coated the floor. At the very back of the room a man who looked disheveled and smelled like he had soiled himself many times. Katya covered her nose as she walked closer, the man turned around and started yelling at her but he was to intoxicated to make any sense, the one thing she could understand was when he drew his sword and charged her. Katya easily hit his sword away from his hands and plunged her sword deep into his gut. The mans body crumpled to the floor and Katya turned to Apollyon proudly.
"Durg was so weak!" She says amazed making Apollyon laugh.
"That was not my cousin, that was his drunk servant Sebastian"
"Oh.." Katya said as she wiped her sword on the dead mans clothes before putting it back in it's sheathe. Apollyon walked over to where a wall that had a huge hole in it, as they walked through Katya gasped when she saw the other side. A huge underground cavern awaited them, a windy path filled with undead creatures awaited them waiting for their next kill. At the end of the path a giant castle stood in the distance, clouded in darkness. A purple lightening bolt struck just behind the castle, 'how is there lightning in a cave?' She thought in awe. Katya gulped and nervously looked at Apollyon,  "we have to fight our way to the castle?" She asked, her old cocky demeanour now changed to that of a scared child who took on more then they could handle.
"I mean, we don't have to. I could always fly us over there" Apollyon said with a shrug of his shoulders. Katya nodded her head feverishly, "yes! That sounds like a great idea". Apollyon picked Katya up and held her in his arms before flying up. Katya clutched onto him tightly as this was the first time she had ever flew.
"I will not drop you, don't worry" Apollyon said holding her tightly against his chest. The longer they flew the more relaxed she got and by the end she really enjoyed flying.

Apollyon landed and gently put Katya down on her feet, his hands lingered a little hesitant to let her go but Katya's excitement sent her running around looking at the architect of the front door.
"It's so huge" she says looking to top of the door which was at least twice as big as any castle gate.
"Just wait until you see inside" Apollyon said as he put on hand on each door and pushed them open. The hinges of the door squeaked as they slid open and dust flitted through the air from the sudden movement. Katya coughed as some of the dust got into her face but when the dust settled she could look into the castle. The floors and walls were cracked, grey with dust but it looked grand, pillars stood down the middle leading to a broken wooden door. Once open it led to a huge room with balconies in each corner, it looked like this room would have been for grand parties or balls at one point. In the middle of the room sat six fires that Apollyon started lighting.
"What are you doing?" Katya asked confused.
"Lighting fires" he said as if it were common sense. Katya sighed, she hated how he never just told her all the facts and she had to pry to get anything out of him.
"Why are you lighting the fires?" She questioned again walking closer to the circle.
"To call my cousin, like knocking on his door but the demon way" he said lighting the last fire. Wind picked up in the room as it rushed to the centre, Katya wondered how wind even got here when just a few seconds ago it had been so still and silent. A huge roar erupted from the centre of the fires causing Katya to take a few steps away.
"Hello cousin, so great to see you again" Apollyon laughed. A massive figure started appearing in the middle of the roam as more roars came from it.
"Well you see I have come to accept your challenge" Apollyon said earning him a confused look from Katya. 'Was he.. was he talking to and understanding those growls?" She though bewildered. The giant fully appeared, hammer in hand as he starts banging it around wildly.
"Alright Durg, good luck" Apollyon said with a cocky smile.

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