Chapter 16 The Hunger

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Apollyon walked home but by the time he got back there was the all to familiar rumble in his stomach.
'What is going on?' Apollyon thinks as his hand goes to his stomach.
"Aboddon!" Apollyon hollered and he stepped out of the barn.
"Go hunting, bring back a lot of meat and put it in the shed out back" Apollyon ordered.
"Yes sir" Aboddon said stiffly and left. Apollyon groaned as his stomach hurt, as if there was nothing in there yet he had just consumed a while elk mere moments ago.
"Where is he?!" Apollyon yelled as he paced around the back of the shed. The growling and pain in his stomach ensued, "Fuck!" Apollyon growled punching the wall. This feeling drove him mad, he couldn't wait any longer. Apollyon took a step towards the door but it opened before he could reach it.
"Finally!" Apollyon said angrily, taking a step back. Aboddon walked in dragging an elk carcass and a bear carcass, his breathe heavy from exerting himself.
"What do you want with these?" Aboddon asked dropping them in the middle of the room.
"That does not concern you, leave!" Apollyon commanded. Aboddons body went stiff before he nodded and walked out. Apollyon waited patiently for the door to close before getting on his knees and ripping into the bear carcass. Tearing off chunks if meat with his bear hands before stuffing them into his mouth and swallowing the meat. It appeased his stomach to receive sustenance but when the two carcasses lay barren on his floor, only fur was left his stomach still growled. Apollyon let out a frustrated growl as he paced the shed once more.
'I want more! This isn't enough!' He though, the rage inside him growing. He couldn't understand it and the hungrier he got the angrier he got. Storming out of the shed he decided that maybe a good nights rest would help so he went to his room to try and sleep. Throughout the night sleep would not bless him, he tossed and turned. One minute the blankets were too hot so he would throw them off then he would be to cold and his brain would not shut off. He kept thinking of food, delicious raw meat with the blood still dripping off it. It was driving him mad. The whole day he laid in bed, awake and only dreaming of meat.

Katya awoke in the morning and walked by a brooding Apollyon, his mood was foul and no matter what Katya said to him his mood only worsened. She stood in the kitchen chopping vegetables when Apollyon walked in. Distracted she turned to smile at him wanting to say anything to make him smile but she accidentally cut her finger.
"Shit" Katya muttered as she grabbed a clothe to wrap around the cut. Apollyon growled and stormed out of the house.
'What is his problem? Is it something I've done' she thought worried as she walked to the window and watched him go into the forest.
"Why the long face nymph?" Aboddon asked walking in with an armful of fire wood.
"Something is going on with Apollyon, I don't know what I've done" Katya says sadly.
"What? You've been with him this long and you don't see that as normal yet? He is always angry, it's just a constant state" Aboddon said. Katya wanted to tell him he was wrong, that was not how he was like with her but as of late things have been changing. She stared out the window, 'maybe he grows tired of me' she thinks solemnly.
"Though to be honest you have lasted the longest out of all his little play mates" Aboddon said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"What do you mean by that?" Katya asks snapping out of her thoughts.
"Well usually he drains them of their essence quickly, and with you being a nymph your life essence could make him last another hundred years. I wonder what he is waiting for, I assumed he stopped me from taking you because he wanted it for himself" Aboddon said casually.
"You lie! Apollyon would never!" Katya cries in shock.
"What? You think your special? You think he hasn't killed nymphs before? You are a demon's favourite snack" Aboddon said, the evil smirk slowly growing on his face as he sees that he is getting under your skin.
"You are lying, he only kills humans, he would never" Katya said looking at Aboddon with disgust, she grew tired of his games.
"I can prove it if you like" Aboddon said with a shrug, acting like it mattered nothing if she believed him or not. She grew quite, un sure what he meant by that but her curiosity grew.
"How...?" Katya asked hesitantly. Aboddon walked over to Katya and put his hands on either side of her head.
"Close your eyes and relax" Aboddon commands while he closes his own eyes. Katya took a deep breathe and relaxed her body, closing her eyes. Aboddon's hands glowed purple as he links Katya's mind to his own. Visions appear before Katya's eyes as she sees Aboddon and Apollyon, sitting and spying on a camp in the woods. Many children frolicked and ran around, some wearing fake horns, Norsemen, but some were nymphs. A village were humans and nymphs co exist peacefully. Apollyon smiles at Aboddon evilly as he walks into the town. The screams of the villagers echo throughout the forest as he slaughters anyone in his path. Apollyon walks to the centre of town, dragging a nymph by her horns. He holds her up, just a child! And Aboddon gathers the other villagers around to watch as he cuts her open, slowly. Not enough to kill her but just enough so she screams loudly and has to endure this torture. He cuts her and lifts her up letting the blood run into his mouth before chucking her corpse in a pile with the rest. All the villagers sit around them like hostages, cradling each other as Apollyon drags them up one of a time to be given the same fate as the first.

"Stop!" Katya yells pushing Aboddon away from her and breaking the link. "No.." she cries covering her face with her hands, she will never be able to unsee that.
"I told you, you may see Apollyon one way but you forget he is a demon and will always be a demon" Aboddon said as he watched a tear fall from her eyes.

"Aboddon!" Apollyon yelled, standing in the front yard of the house. Aboddon's body stiffened as he walks out the front door and stands on the porch. Katya quickly wipes the tear away and follows him, standing beside the porch.
"Why do I sense magic from you, tell me the truth!" Apollyon commanded. Katya could see Aboddon's body stiffen, "Don't!" She commanded under her breathe, the feather around her neck warming against her bosom. Aboddon smiled, he was confused by and hated how she could easily command him so but at this moment he loved it. Raising his hand so his palm faced the sky he summoned a baby fire sprite that danced in his hand, "I was just showing Katya a trick, she loved it" Aboddon said in his best monotone voice. Apollyon looked at Aboddon curiously, if he wasn't under the oath of the demons he would know right away Aboddon was lying but he didn't know the effect Katya had on him either so he shrugged it off.
"Go shovel the shit from the barn" Apollyon commanded and Aboddon quickly rushed off to the barn leaving Katya standing there awkwardly. Apollyon walked up to her and reached out to gently touch her shoulder but when he moved his hand close Katya flinched away. He stopped his reach and backed up thinking she must still be upset with the sacrifices. He wanted to stay and talk to her, try make her smile like she used to. She hasn't smiled like that in a long time, but the rumbling in his stomach caused his anger to spike. He couldn't think straight anymore. His head was clouded so instead he walked away, trying not to take his anger out on Katya unnecessarily.

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