Chapter 21 The Battle Axe

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"Stop!" Katya whispered grabbing Navi's arm, stopping her from getting any closer. The movement and sound caught Apollyon's attention as he looked at Navi then spotted Katya behind her.
"Katya!" Apollyon cried upon seeing her, walking out of the river.
"Don't come any closer!" Katya yelled, taking out her scythe and stepping in front of Navi.
"Please" Apollyon begged putting his hands up to signal he wasn't going to attack them, "I won't hurt you"
"Please I was under the influence of a curse, I was not in control of my actions" Apollyon tried to reassure her but Katya stayed strong, she was not going to be tricked by him. Navi put her hand on her shoulder gently, "He tells the truth". Katya's grip loosens slightly on her scythe as her shoulder's relaxed a bit.
"You tried to kill us" Katya told him.
"I would never hurt you Katya, I would rather die then harm you" Apollyon said falling to his knees in front of her. Katya eyebrows furrowed as she stared down on her, her heart beating fast in her chest.
"Go to him" Navi said pushing her gently forward.
"How can I trust you? This isn't the first time you have scared me" Katya said, her eyes starting to water.
"I will do anything Katya please, i will give you a demon oath, anything" Apollyon begged.
"No.. i never want to have that kind of control over you" she said with a sigh, remembering how Aboddon was around Apollyon it would break her heart to see Apollyon that way.
"Please Katya what can I do to make you forgive me.. I... I cant lose you" he cried, tears cascading down his face. Katya's tough exterior faded as she soften up at the sight of Apollyon crying. Kneeling down in front of him she wiped the tears off his cheek.
"This can't happen again... If you lose control once more that is it. I will go" Katya said sternly. Apollyon grabbed her and held her close to him, "I promise, never again" he said. Katya blushed and wrapped her arms around him. Apollyon moved back so his face was in front of hers, his hand reaching up to gently stroke her cheek.
"You mean so much to me Katya, you leaving almost destroyed me... I love you" he says leaning down and kissing her soft lips. As soon as there lips touched it was like electricity shot through them. Katya closed her eyes, melting in his arms as she put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. Apollyon broke the kiss to look deep in her eyes, "my heart and soul belong to you Katya" he whispered before kissing her again.

Navi, knowing she wasn't needed walked back into the forest, back home. When she entered her village that had burnt to the crisp, she walked past the ruins of her home. When she was a child she had been kidnapped from her home and brought into these lands were she was sold to an orc in this village who took her in and raised her, taught her how to fight and farm. With each step she took she looked for him, the one man who had shown her kindness. After searching the whole town she could not find him so she went into the woods where Apollyon had gone and finally found his body in the woods.
"Papa!" Navi cried running to his body.
"No.." her voice was shaking as she turned him onto his back, using her fingers to close his eyes. She cried into his chest, knowing that nothing would be able to bring him back. She knew a great disaster would befall her before she was sent to fulfill her destiny but nothing prepared her for this.
"I'm sorry i didn't warn you..." she said weakly once her tears had run out, she felt responsible for all this. Looking up into the sky she yelled, "Damn you!"
The gods were always a fickle thing, they shoved the worst things at you in order to strengthen and test you. Navi wanted nothing more to scream and destroy everything in her path but she knew it was needed, it needed to happen in order for Navi to complete her purpose. She held onto that belief because without it her father died for nothing.

Navi wiped the tears from her face and went back into the ruins she once called home. Walking into the house she used to live in she looked around. Most of the furniture and been burned but one thing was left untouched. Navi walked up and grabbed her father's old battle axe, it was almost as big as she was but she picked it up, struggling slightly. She would train to be able to wield it as skillfully as her father had. The only thing she had to remember him by.

Apollyon's wings were wrapped around him and Katya, protecting them inside. Apollyon stopped kissing her and reached over to his wing, plucking a feather from it.
"Here, to replace the one you lost" he said handing him the feather.
"Are you sure?" Katya asked looking down at the feather in his hand. Apollyon grabbed her hand and placed the feather in it, holding her hand.
"I want you to always have a piece of me with you, No matter where we are I always wanted to be close to your heart" Apollyon said reaching one hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb caressing her face.
"You always will be" Katya said kissing him once more.

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