Chapter 20 The Trick

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Aboddon stood in front of the cabin, The front door was smashed open and wooden chunks lay all over the porch. He stepped onto the porch, his feet crunching against the debris.
"Hello" Aboddon calls into the house but no one calls back. Thumping and banging come from above his head, "there you are".
Walking upstairs he notices all the doors were kicked open and broken furniture littered the hallway. He leans on Apollyon's bedroom doorframe as he watched Apollyon throw his furniture around in anger.
"Your temper always amuses me cousin" Aboddon laughs. Apollyon whips his head to Aboddon,
"You bastard! I told you to never come back!" Apollyon yells charging up to Aboddon, grabbing his by the neck of his shirt and pushing him roughly against the wall.
"I come bearing news" Aboddon said putting his hands up, Katya's necklace hanging from one of his fingers. Apollyon looks at the necklace and instantly releases him.
"Where.. did you get that?" He asks taking a step back, dread filled the pit of his stomach.
"Can you not smell where I came from?" Aboddon asked with a mischievous smile. Apollyon sniffed the air, he mostly smelt blood and death on Aboddon but there was a faint smell, ash.
"No.." Apollyon said putting his hand over his mouth in shock.
"Yes, I just thought you would want to know" Aboddon said with fake sympathy. Apollyon growled and punched Aboddon in the face so hard he fell to the ground. Wings sprouted from Apollyon's back as he ran out to the balcony and flew into the sky, he knew exactly where he was going. Aboddon chased after him not wanting to miss a second of what was going to happen.

Apollyon landed on the bridge that led up to the master's castle. The giant front doors swing open as the master himself stepped out.
"Welcome back son" the master said opening his arms.
"Do not call me that, you will never be as great as my real father was" Apollyon spat, his anger slowly rising.
"But you have come home! I just wanted to welcome you warmly" The master said with fake sincerity.
"Where is she?" Apollyon asked through gritted teeth.
"Aboddon, go fetch her" the master commanded to Aboddon who was standing behind Apollyon.
"As you wish" Aboddon said bowing curtly before running up the stairs and into the castle.
"I warned you Apollyon" the master's voice was dangerous, Apollyon usually fought his way through any problem but knew if he tried to then the master would kill him in seconds. Aboddon walked out of the castle, cradling a woman's body in his arms.
"Katya!" Apollyon cried but when Aboddon got closer he saw that it was not her.
"Nimue!" A tear fell from Apollyon's eye as he looked upon his sister's corpse in Aboddon's arm.
"You have failed Apollyon, you have lost all your loved ones, come back to me and I will accept you back" The master tried to say but Apollyon didn't hear it, all he heard was his heart pounding in his ears. He could feel his jody start to shift, his skin split open revealing his dark molten skin as he grew inside angrily.
"Control yourself Apollyon, you do not want to do this" the master said pulling out his two handed great sword. Aboddon stood back and watched Apollyon with an amused look, 'he's not this stupid is he?' He thinks.
Apollyon's metal wings burned bright orange as flames erupted in a circle around him. He screamed out the ground beneath them shaking before he flew up into the air and away from them. Aboddon put down Nimeu's corpse and went to go after him but The Master stopped him, "Let him go, he will be back" he said cockily, knowing that with no where else to turn he would come back home.

Katya and Navi walked through the burnt forest, the sight broke her heart as the trees around her had burned into ash.
"Wait" Katya said as she knelt to the ground. She shoved her hands into the ground and closed her eyes. A green aura appeared around Katya then sunk into the ground as grass started sprouting from under all the embers and charcoal. The dead trees around her started to regrow and blossom. Within a matter of minutes the whole forest and regrown, flowers sprouted around them.
"Woah" Navi said as she looked at what Katya had done. Taking her hands out of the ground, Katya fell over. The vines on her horns slowly disappeared and returned to how they before.
"Katya!" Navi yelled running to her side.
"What?" Katya said opening her eyes weakly.
"Are you okay?" Navi asked her, worry written across her face.
"Yeah.. just tired" Katya said closing her eyes, the soft grass under her was very welcoming. After a quick nap Katya woke, Navi never left side a she slept.
"Come on, we need to hurry" Katya said getting up, still a little groggy.

Apollyon landed in the river in front of the cabin, the water cooled his fiery form but the water steamed around his as he sat there.
"Katya.. Nimue... both dead" he cried slamming his fists into the water, tears cascading down his face.
Katya reached the end of the forest by the homestead, stopping when she sees Apollyon crying in the water.
"Hide" she whispers to Navi pushing her behind a tree.
"No.. he looks different" Navi says trying to peak out but Katya stopped her.
"How can you say that? He murdered your village!" Katya asked astonished how forgiving she was.
"When he was in the village he let me go.. he let me run away.. I don't think he was in control" Navi says looking up at Katya.
"That man murdered so many and then he tried to kill us! How can you say that?!?" Katya asked, this girl was truly stupid if she thought Apollyon was a safe person. Navi looked at Katya and shook her head before pushing past her and getting closer to Apollyon. She looked at his face, she could sense his great sadness, 'That's him!'

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