Chapter 19 Regret

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"This way!" Navi says excitedly as they finally reach the end if the cave. On the other side lava flowed under rock bridges, ashes floated through the sky.
"Where are we?" Katya asked as she looked around.
"The volcano of the demons?" Navi said excitedly but it only filled Katya with dread.
"We can't be here!" Katya said walking up to Navi and grabbing her by the shoulders.
"I have seen you here, you need to be here!" Navi says excitedly as she dragged Katya deeper into the volcano.
"Stand right here" Navi said placing Katya on a rock, "no.. maybe not this one, lets go further in!"
"Stop! I refuse to walk one step closer into this hell scape" Katya said angrily. Navi looked up at her with tears in her eyes, "please just wait here, he should be here somewhere" Katya rolled her eyes and took a seat on a rock, "fine but I will not move from this spot" Navi squealed excitedly, "don't worry I will find him and bring him to you!" She says as she runs deeper into the volcano.

Aboddon stood in the middle of the homestead waiting for Apollyon to return.
"Aah perfect timing little cousin" he said smiling as he saw Apollyon flying towards him. As soon as his feet touched the ground a purple circle erupted from the ground and circled Apollyon.
"What is the meaning of this?" Apollyon asked as he looked around confused.
"It would seem that you stole the essence of some cannibals cousin. Don't you know that their infected soul would infect you to? I am just doing you a favour" Aboddon said though in reality he was doing this for someone else. With a wave of his hand he started chanting in his demonic tongue.
"Purge this body of all its sickness, return to me the man he was before this plague on his body infected him!" Aboddon yelled as a blinding light came from Apollyon. His scream made Aboddon smile it was just a shame this is not how he pictured he would hurt him. When the light faded away Apollyon was on the ground on his hands and knees breathing heavily. Everything he had done, everything he had said, Katya, it became clear to him. His foggy sight sharpened as he had to relive everything the hunger made him do.
"Oh god what have I done" Apollyon said, his fingers buried themselves into the ground as he clenched his fists into the dirt.
"You!" Apollyon growled looking up at Aboddon, "I want you gone! I never want to see you again! I don't want to ever be in your presence again! You are banished from my sight!" Apollyon yelled as he took charge towards Aboddon. Apollyon grabbed Aboddon by the scruff of his shirt, pushing him against the outside of the barn. "I revoke thee, if you come near me or Katya again I will kill you with my bare hands, you will beg for death" Apollyon yelled as he threw Aboddon into the dirt. Aboddon sat there, his chains appeared into sight as they all unlocked and dropped to the ground before disappearing. He sat there in shock, this had gone better then he expected!
"Go!" Apollyon yelled as the ground around him lit on fire.
"As you wish" Aboddon said standing up, bowing before his cousin before his own wings came out of his back and he took off into the sky. Apollyon turned towards the barn and slammed his fist into it, leaving a burnt indent in the wood, "I have lost her.... Again..." he could feel his heart breaking in his chest.

Katya sat on the rock, the feather around her neck started to burn. Confused, she took the necklace off her neck and stared at the feather. It wilted in her hands, the edge of feather burning up and turning to ash. Katya knew she should feel sad that Apollyon's feather was like this but after everything that had happened her heart was as cold as ice. She scrunched up the feather in her hand and threw it into the lava. The feather fell down but a small gust of wind picked up the feather making it land on a rock on the side of the volcano mere inches from the smouldering lava bellow.

Navi ran around but she couldn't find the man she had seen in her vision.
'Where is he?' She wondered as she bumped into something.
"Well what do we have here?" Aboddon said before he grabbed Navi and dragged her into a small dark cave. He pushed her up against the wall and watched the fear flicker in her eyes.
"What do you want?" Navi asked, her voice shaking.
"Well I can't have you ruining my master's plan" Aboddon said as he reached up and started digging his fingers into Navi's eye socket. Her screams echoed throughout the cave but did not leave it. Aboddon ripped the girl's eye out and held it in his hand. After a few words the eye was coated in purple runes, binding her eyes from seeing Aboddon or his master.
"There we go" he said before magically re attaching her eye to her head.
"Can't have you telling Katya either" Aboddon said as he held his hand to her forehead, a bright light emanated from it before Navi passed out from the pain Aboddon had just put onto her. He picked her up in his arms and carried her close to Katya before laying her on a rock. Aboddon jumped off the edge of  the walkway and flew towards where Katya's feather had landed.
"There you are" he says picking it up and placing it in his pocket before flying back to the homestead.

Navi walked sluggishly into sight of Katya, a dazed expression on her face.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Katya asked when she saw her, snapping Navi out of her daze.
"What? No I don't think so" Navi shook her head, she couldn't exactly remember what she was just doing.
"Alright well let's go home" Katya said then stopped as the words registered in her brain.
"I mean, to my old home. I need to pick some things up and then we can head off somewhere on a new adventure" Katya said smiling at her.

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