Chapter 17 Repeating History

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Apollyon paced his bedroom, his mind was foggy as all he could think about was the insatiable hunger in his stomach. Flames kept appearing around him as he fought his transformation back.
'I can't be here' he thought storming outside on a cold autumn night, if he stayed in the house he would end up setting it on fire accidentally. blood, meat, Kill! A voice kept repeating in his head but he tried to fight it. Everyday was a losing battle as he killed anything in his path to try take his hinger but nothing worked. His brain flipped to the day Katya cut her finger in the kitchen, 'it smelled so good' he thought looking at the cabin. 'Just one bite...' he could feel himself slipping. It would be so easy to just walk into her room while she slept and rip the meat off her bone, devouring every part of her. Apollyon's mouth watered but he was ripped from his thoughts by his heart. 'I can't hurt her' he thought, angry that his own thoughts would even attempt a thing like that. He couldn't be here while his hunger raged inside him, he couldn't hurt Katya. Before the hinger took over once more Apollyon decided to leave, only returning when the hunger was gone.

Katya woke in the dead of night, she had been having the worst nightmare. In a panic she jumped out of bed and walked to the door. Reaching for the door handle she stopped, her hand centimetres from the knob. 'He said I could come to him if I got scared' she thought but slowly lowered her hand. 'But he has been so angry with me of late' she sighed as she turned her back to the door. 'But would he truly be mad? Maybe if she could talk to him for once then she could understand what was going on. With courage flowing through her she turned back around and opened her door.
"Apollyon.." she said quietly, knocking gently on his door. "Are you awake?" She asked, turning the handle and opening the door ever so slightly so she could peak in and check if he was awake or not. As she looked in the room she saw his bed was empty. 'Where are you?' She thought as she walked into his room. Thinking that maybe he just went to relieve himself or grab some water Katya made her way into his bed and laid down under the covers. The pillows smelled like him, she blushed and smiled as she grabbed one of his pillows and cuddled into it. She tried to stay awake but his intoxicating smell and the warmth of his bed lulled her into a peaceful sleep. Expecting to be woken up by a confused Apollyon who would be wondering why she had wandered into his bed so late at night she was shocked when she was awoken to the sound of an explosion. Katya sat up groggily and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before walking over to Apollyon's balcony door and going outside. It was pitch black outside but one settlement maybe a mere 10 minute run away was lit up with fire. At first she assumed it was just a wild party thrown by the locals but then another explosion went off and Katya could hear the far away screams of terror. Quickly Katya ran inside, put on her armour and grabbed her scythe.

Apollyon used his teeth to rip a chunk out of a man's throat before swallowing it greedily. Anger and hunger had completely taken over and all he saw was food all around him. He had gathered some of the towns folk around him, broken the legs of anyone who tried to run from him as he devoured everyone bite by bite. The camp was different but Apollyon didn't mind. There were elves, orcs, dwarves and human but all Apollyon saw was a huge buffet of all kinds of different flavours. When the last towns person was eaten Apollyon took one last look around the empty town, a noise caught his ears, 'I don't remember if I searched this house yet' he thought kicking in the door. There was nothing in sight but a smell caught his nose. Ripping open a barrel he pulled a small woman from it and looked at her. A nymph. For a second the woman's face morphed into Katya's. Shaking his head he put her to her feet, "run" he commanded, letting her go before a fist flew into his face.
"You are ballsy, even for an orc" Apollyon laughed.
"You will jot harm her" the orc yelled as he threw another punch, Apollyon caught the orcs fist before it connected with his face and squeezed. The sound of the orcs fist breaking in his hands made him smile.
"You run too, I like a chase" Apollyon said kicking the orc out of the house. The orc scrambled to get up before running in the opposite direction of him. Apollyon walked outside and breathed in the fresh air, "oh how I do love when they run" he chuckled before his wings ripped out of his back and he took off flying.

'Pitiful Orc' he though as he spotted him hiding in the woods. He landed softly behind him, as to not let the orc know he was there. "I thought I told you to run, It's much funner when they run" Apollyon said yawning. The orc turned around in surprise, fear in his eyes.
"Please, I have a family" the orc tried to beg for his life.
"Had, past tense. I've ripped everyone apart bit by bit and boy were they tasty" Apollyon said with an evil smile.
"Please no!" The orc begged but Apollyon shoved his dagger into the orc's stomach then slowly started carving symbols into him. He wasn't going to drain him off essence he was just bored.
"Apollyon" Katya's fearful voice came from behind him. Apollyon stood up slowly and turned, the hunger had control over him. He did not see Katya but another meal waiting for him.
"Oh the Nymph" Apollyon said with a sick smile. Katya backed up, he had only called her that once and yet this time filled her with greater terror. His eyes were dead inside and she could see he was not himself.
"I guess it was about time for another snack" Apollyon said licking his lips hungrily. Katya stood there frozen in fear, Aboddon was right. 'Apollyon was just saving me for last' she thought looking up into his blank eyes, finally realizing the truth... but a little to late.

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