Chapter 10 Jealousy part 1

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Katya, Apollyon and Aboddon had found a nice spot in the woods to set up camp.
"This forest is amazing, I never thought i would find some place that reminded me so much of home" Katya said with a small smile on her face.
"Yeah it's nice and quiet, I just hope it stays that way" Apollyon mumbles shooting a death glare at Aboddon who gives him the most innocent look he could muster.
"Much better then that damned swamp, with all it's snakes and mud and killer birds" Katya said remembering the viscous attack that had happened only last week.
"Well we still have one pest here" Apollyon said earning a very sad look from Aboddon.
"Why are you so mean to him?" Katya snapped, this whole time Aboddon has been an angel and Apollyon had been nothing but nasty to him.
"You don't know him like I do! You've only known him what 20 minutes? He is nothing but trouble and dangerous!" Apollyon yelled standing up and starting to pace, "you don't understand, something bad happens whenever he's around and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you".
"I am a grown woman who can take care of myself! I don't need you to babysit me!" Katya says standing up, her anger building by the second.
"It's not you it's him! He is going to hurt you!" Apollyon yelled pointing at Aboddon who sat there watching the whole fight happen with a smile on his face.
"Really? Your just going to point fingers? Your the one with the anger problems, your the one who explodes whenever anything inconvenient happens!" Katya was riled up, she was starting to get sick of Apollyon's attitude. Apollyon stopped pacing and looked at her, he could feel his anger taking control but bit his tongue knowing he may say something he would later regret. Instead Apollyon just shook his head and stormed off into the forest. Katya watched him walk away and was about to follow him when Aboddon stepped in front of her, "Fear not my lady, he always has had a temper and to be truthfully honest I always got under skin. It was just how we were as kids, we were children" Aboddon said trying to reassure her. "I will go and talk to Apollyon and bring him back with a much cooler head, I promise" he says grabbing one of Katya's hands and gently patting the top of it.
"And don't you worry, with me around no one will hurt one pretty little hair on your head" he says reaching up and swirling a stray stray of hair around his finger. Katya took a step back and pushed his hand away from her.
"We will be back" Aboddon said, bowing in front of her before walking in the direction that Apollyon had gone.
"That fucking bastard!" Apollyon growled punching the trunk of a tree.
"Shows up out of no where with his fucking mind games" his other fist launches at the tree knocking off bark and leaving a dent in it.
"Always so angry cousin" Aboddon says while leaning up against a tree behind him.
"What do you want?" Apollyon asks turning to him angrily, he already had a hard enough time controlling his anger and seeing Aboddon only made it worse.
"Do not fret dear cousin i come waving the white flag of peace, I do not wish to cause you such troubles" Aboddon says holding his hands up, surrendering.
"Why have you come here? Why not any of the other ones who have fled?" Apollyon asked getting closer to Aboddon.
"Well you brutally murdered Durg, our other cousin is locked somewhere in a demon hunter's basement and poor Jezebell is a slave to some human man who uses her like some common whore" Aboddon says scrunching up his face with disgust, "You were the only one who is truly free, out in the world, happy. I envy you cousin, I just wish to have your life. I want to see how you do it and how I may be able to". Apollyon sighed and walked over to the hillside that overlooked the camp they had set up.
"Once you have seen what you need will you leave me alone then?" Apollyon asked, his anger starting to settle.
"Of course! Of course! Maybe i could find a little tavern with some easy women and live my best life" Aboddon says walking up and standing beside Apollyon.
"Yeah, maybe you could find yourself a nice orc woman to settle down with" Apollyon joked.
"You know i love strong demanding woman" Aboddon said elbowing Apollyon in the side playfully. Apollyon sighed and leaned up against a tree with one arm, he really needed to control his anger.
"Fine" Apollyon said after some thought, "Go collect some wood and I will be back down there shortly" he said, Aboddon smiled and waved goodbye to him before walking down the hill.
"He's up to something" Apollyon muttered under his breathe, he didn't trust his cousin at all and knew this wasn't going to end well for anyone.

Apollyon walked into camp and saw Katya get up, she started walking towards him which made Apollyon smile until Aboddon jumped in front of her and suggested they go hunting. Apollyon snarled at Aboddon as they passed and went to work gathering supplies. Every time Katya and Apollyon we about to talk to each other Aboddon would always slide in and steal her away. As the two were about to head to the stream to grab some water Apollyon grabbed Aboddon's arm and pulled him close, "Back off Aboddon, I know what your doing" he whispered harshly to him.
"Whatever do you mean?" Aboddon asked innocently.
"Stay away from her" Apollyon growled but before Aboddon could respond Katya called to him, "Hey! Are you coming?"
"Yes! On my way" Aboddon called back, giving Apollyon a wink before running up to her.  Apollyon watched the two of them walk away, he could feel the anger rumbling from deep within him.
'Just take a deep breathe' he reminded himself but he couldn't help feeling pissed off that Aboddon always stole any chance he had to spend time with Katya.

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