Chapter 18 New Powers

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Apollyon stared at Katya hungrily as he moved closer to her, she was frozen in place from fear.
"So Hungry" Apollyon mumbled.
"Don't kill her!" The nymph from the village yelled as she ran out of the bushes. Apollyon blinked a few times as his blurry vision started to focus a bit. Katya stared at the little nymph in front of her, she wasn't the same kind of Nymph as Katya but she could tell this was one of her kind. A strange feeling started in the pit of Katya's stomach when she saw this girl who reminded her of home. A strange sense of kinship could be felt for this girl who she had only just met. Her heart starts beating faster, she could feel anger boiling up inside her. She looked at Apollyon who had turned his head to the little nymph. She had to do something before he killed her. The wind around them picked up as the feather around her neck started getting warmer.
"Aboddon was right about you" Katya said as vines appeared on her horn, wrapping themselves around them, a bud appears from the vine and starts opening up. Katya runs to the nymph and pushes her behind her, taking out her scythe and facing Apollyon, the wind whipping violently around them.
"Oh and what exactly did Aboddon tell you? That I'm a big scary monster?" Apollyon asked rolling his eyes.
"He showed me what you did to that village of humans and nymphs. I watched as you dragged them from their homes and slaughtered them with no mercy, tortured them for no reason" as Katya talked she could feel this power growing in her, she felt a connection to the world around him. Apollyon growled and came at her but she used her scythe to block him from getting to close. He grabbed the scythe and pulled her closer, "How many times are you going to trust him over me? He has lied to you and yet you still believe him! I thought you.. I thought we had something me you and me and here you are throwing it all away for what? A vision you saw from my past?" Apollyon yelled angrily.
"You are a monster and you will always be a monster" Katya said through gritted teeth before kicking Apollyon in the chest and sending him back a couple steps. Apollyon growled but vines snaked their way around Apollyon's ankle and pulled him back so quickly he fell face first into the ground. Katya grabbed the girl's hand and took off running but Apollyon was quick. He stood up, Summoned a giant fire ball and threw it at Katya. She stopped and held her hands in front of her face to try protect it but as she did the ground in front of her shot up and created a wall that blocked the fireball. Putting her hands in front of her face she studied them, 'how did I do that' she thought but a yell from the little nymph brought her back to reality, 'watch out!'
Katya quickly took a step back as Apollyon landed right in front of her.
"I grow tired of your games!" He yelled. Katya moved her hands so they were facing where Apollyon stood, the ground opened up under him as he fell into a deep pit. The nymph grabbed Katya's hand and started running with her. Apollyon growled and flew from the pit, chasing them but with every inch he flew something was there to stop him. A tree moving in his way, dirt shooting up to try stop him, vines flinging out to grab him which he burned quickly. A giant tree sprouted from the ground blocking his view of the girls.
"Damn it!" Apollyon yelled as he set the tree on fire, he looked around but couldn't spot the girls.
"Fuck!" He flew into the sky to try get a better view of the forest but all he could see were hundreds of trees hiding them. In a rage Apollyon unleashed hellfire that set the forest ablaze. 'If I can't find them I will smoke them out' he thought with an evil smirk. Flying along the edge of the forest he waited for them to scurry out like mice but they never did.

"Quickly this way" the girl said through fits of coughing, the smoke was thick and choked them as they ran.
"How do you know where to go" Katya asked.
"I have seen it in visions, I know where you must go for all this to end" the nymph said as she pulled Katya into a secret cave, at least inside it there was no smoke.
"What is your name?" Katya asked once they were safe inside.
"My name is Navi, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" Navi said smiling up at Katya.
"Finally? What do you mean by that?" She asked confused.
"I am a water nymph, gifted with sight. I have forseen us meeting what you will do for this world. Or at least what may happen. The future is fickle and can change like a ripple in a pond, one thing could set everything off balance" Navi said looking down in thought.
"I will do great things?" Katya asked, shocked. She had never really seen herself as someone who could change the world.
"I have seen you with a crown on your head, standing beside a king and making all the realms a safer place for all" Navi said looking at Katya a little starstruck. "But we must hurry" she says grabbing Katya's hand and dragging her through the cave.

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