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Hello, everyone!

Just a quick tw!

Things might get a little gruesome and gore-y in this chapter. I did try to keep it to a minimum, but I really like horror and gore, so I kinda couldn't help myself :D

Anyways, hope you'll still enjoy this chapter!!

-Shuzuku Higami


3rd Person Pov:

The Grace Field trio ran, ending up in front of closed gates. Right when they had to hurry, of course. Emma said: "They've already been closed. What now?" "Let's go back and find another route. This way!" said Ray, about to walk off, but Emma stopped him by saying: "Wait."

She pointed up, where a window with no bars and glass was. "What about that way?" (Y/N) thought for a moment, remembering the plans of the different buildings around them. She said: "That could work. You go up first."

Ray readied himself, holding his hands together in order to help Emma jump up. He called: "You can make it!" Emma nodded, then ran as fast as she could, then jumped off of Ray, reaching the window.

"I made it! (Y/N), quick! I'll pull you up!" said Emma, leaning over the edge and holding a hand out. Mentioned girl looked over at her fiancée, who nodded at her, stepping closer to the wall.

Ray held his hands together once more, saying: "Come, I'll help you, too." With a sweet smile, she said: "Thank you, Ray." before doing the same thing that Emma did, not reaching as high as the orange haired girl was able to go.

But that didn't matter, and all three of them knew it. (Y/N) may not be as athletic as Emma, but her friends made up for it. They made sure that she could reach the same levels as them with their help. And in (Y/N)'s eyes, that was all she ever needed.

"It's such a shame that I'll..." she muttered to herself, so quietly that the other two didn't hear her at all. Emma quickly got a hold on her hand, pulling (Y/N) up with ease.

Next was Ray, who simply used the wall to try and reach as high up as possible. Emma leaned down even further, and (Y/N) held onto her as to prevent her from falling. Emma held onto Ray's hands, struggling a little to pull him up, but she eventually managed to do so.

And just like that, their way continued, all the way to the site of the ongoing battle. Corpses of Demon's were scattered around the places, almost telling them the right way to go. "Over there!" pointed Ray out, opening a big door without hesitation.

But as soon as the trio laid eyes on what had happened in that very room, their eyes went wide. "What a shame. Looks like you couldn't make it in time, my dear little sister." said none other than Norman, turning around to look at his friends.

A bit sooner:

3rd Person Pov:

Giran had managed to defeat quite a lot of the five regent houses. And he even managed to attack the queen. However, she was faster and way stronger than him, and so, she had effortlessly defeated him in the end.

And that was exactly the moment Norman had waited for. It was then that Zazie had entered the room, being quick to attack the mask-less queen. She defended herself, still shocked that a mere human was attacking her.

As she was about to attack Zazie, Barbara and Cislo broke through the ceiling, joining the battle without a second wasted. They were told to attack and attack, never once giving the queen the chance to eat anything at all, as that would strengthen and regenerate her.

"Zazie! Leave your back to us. Give it everything you've got!" called Barbara, ready to defend her friend at all costs, seeing as he was clearly the strongest and most powerful amongst them.

Zazie did so, about to slice through the queen's head. "Don't get carried away..." trailed queen Legravalima off, suddenly disappearing from her current position.

She had moved past Zazie in less than a blink of an eye, and had pierced her long, sharp nails through Barbara, lifting her up in the air. "Barbara!" yelled Cislo out, not wanting to believe that she was about to be eaten by the queen.

Thinking quickly, Zazie threw one of his swords, cutting the arm that was holding Barbara in two. Seeing his long-time companion this injured, something within him snapped. Zazie began to rage, attacking the queen immediately.

What the queen hadn't accounted for was that even more humans would show up. Vincent had a gun in each hand, not hesitating to shoot at Legravalima in order to cause more damage.

It was then that each and every one of the Demon's that were still alive had noticed it. There was poison gas leaking into the room, and through the whole center of the city.

It was gas that caused the Demon's cells to degenerate. Gilda had found out about it and warned Emma and the others before they had taken off to find Norman. And now, the gas was finally making its appearance.

Seeing that Legravalima now couldn't use her abilities anymore, Zazie charged in once more. She did try to kill him, resulting in the paper bag that he was wearing to be destroyed.

"Zazie, go!" called Cislo, to which Zazie used all of his strength, his sword making impact with the queen's head, successfully cutting it in half. One of her eyeballs had fallen out of her head, and she couldn't do anything but to stare at the white haired male approaching.

"Nice to meet you, your majesty." said Norman, a bit of a mocking tone hidden in his voice. With a quiet, weakened voice, the queen said: "I see... So you're the mastermind, 22194... I sent you off to Lambda... So I didn't have to present you to 「 」..."

Her voice suddenly increased in volume as she, in another language, screamed: "I've always wanted to eat you. When I heard that Lambda had burned down, I lost myself in rage... I won't let anyone else have you! You are human meat for me, and me alone!"

"Meat for you?" asked Norman, a disgusted expression now on his face. In the same language that the queen had spoken in, he said: "Not a single one of us will ever be food for the Demons again."

Then he turned to face Zazie, saying: "Do it-" "Wait! 84194!" called the queen, hoping to survive at least a little longer. Stopping for a short moment, Norman asked: "What about my sister?"

The queen, talking in the different language again, asked: "Where... Where is she now? Is she... alive?" Answering in that same language, Norman said: "You have no right to know that." "I knew I had made a mistake... I should've ordered her to get send to Lambda instead of you. She's a genius, just like you."

Hearing this angered Norman to no end. Send his dear little sister to Lamda? Send (Y/N) there and have her endure all of the pain and experiments they did to him? Yeah, not happening. He would rather die than to ever let that happen!

"Zazie." he simply said, and the male complied, piercing Legravalima's face with his sword. Norman, turning around to look at the last Demon alive, said: "All that's left is you."


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