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Hello, everyone!

So, two more chapters...

Omg, we're so close to the end :O

Hope you'll enjoy! <3

(btw, I totally didn't forget to publish this chapter a day late... Totally not... /j)


Ray Pov:

Why is it so hard to just talk to her? Just yesterday, I had wished for nothing but her company. And now that I'm sitting next to her, it's like my mind is blank. Suddenly, I got an idea. Her memory... Is it really gone?

I slipped my jacket off my shoulders, pulling the right sleeve up a little, showing her the scar on my arm. "I got this scar while fighting a Demon." I told her, watching how she closely examined the scar.

She then grabbed the rim of her shirt, pulling it up a little, reviling the scar on her stomach. "I have this one. It's like we have matching scars." she said, a joking tone in her voice. So I'm right? While she doesn't seem to remember us, deep down, she does.

I began laughing, to which she joined in. It felt good to laugh again. It felt good to have her company again. Even if she doesn't remember me. Just knowing that she's well is a good start. "What did Emma and Norman tell you about me? Us?" I asked, wanting to tell her everything again.

"If it's too much for you, then you don't have to answer, of course. I'm just being selfish." I quickly added, realizing how pushy my question was. While this is (Y/N), she isn't my (Y/N).

She placed her hand on top of mine, saying: "It's okay to be selfish. Especially in this situation. Emma said that we were practically glued together. She said it was like we were made for each other."

I glanced over at her, the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. "I'm not as selfless as Emma says I am." she admitted, sighing. "Because right now, I wish I didn't trade my memories. I mean, I don't regret doing it to safe the people I loved, but I want so desperately to remember. Especially you."

Hearing that, my heart skipped a beat. My hand went to grab the small, red box in my pocket. I glanced at it before putting it back, saying: "We could always make new memories. To replace the ones you lost."

She smiled, saying: "I like how that sounds.", as she leaned her head on my shoulder. "I guess Emma wasn't lying. This feels... familiar and... nice..." she trailed off, closing her eyes. I gently put my arm around her, saying: "It does. I missed you, (Y/N). So, so much."

Getting no reply, I looked over at her, seeing that she was already asleep. I smiled to myself, placing a kiss onto her forehead before lifting her up, carrying her back inside the house.

Once I put her down on her bed, I left her room. Right before I closed her door, I heard her mumble: "Ray... our promise..." My smile widened ever so slightly as I finally closed the door, approaching the others.

"So you're the one that was dating Apollo- uh, (Y/N)." said the man that took care of her, a stern expression on his face. I nodded, replying: "I am." Then, his grim expression was replaced with a warm smile.

He said: "Thank you for taking care of her. Actually, you knew her before me. So you guys should be thanking me." He laughed at his own joke, shaking his head lightly. "Seriously though, sorry for earlier. You know how shy she is. I tend to get a little protective of her." he added, to which I said: "It's fine, I get it."

It was quiet for a moment, before he spoke up again. "Well, what now? What's gonna happen to Ap- I mean (Y/N)?" I thought about that question for quite some time. Emma was the first to speak up.

"If I'm allowed to be selfish, then I'd like to get her back." "Me, too." admitted Norman. The two of them looked at me, causing me to grin. "Of course I want her back." I said, to which Dawson hummed.

"Tell you what, if she's okay with it, then she can go with you. I mean, not that I can decide for her. Besides, you guys seem lovely. You clearly only want what's best for her." he said, shrugging his shoulders as he leaned back in his seat.

Emma asked: "What about you? Don't you want to join us, Dawson?" "Me? That's lovely of you, but I'll stay here. This house is my pride and joy." "Won't you be alone, then?" "I've actually met an old friend today. She's gonna stay here for some time. That'll be enough company for me."

"You're a great guy." noted Norman, smiling at him. "It's that big brother energy. You got it, too, Norman." joked Dawson, causing all four of us to laugh. "Well, let's go to bed. Come on, I'll show you your rooms." he said, and we gladly followed him.

Time skip: six months later

(Y/N) Pov:

"Can you help me with my homework, (Y/N)?" asked Yvette, with Phil adding: "And mine!" I chuckled, saying: "Sure, I can." "Yaay!" they cheered, rushing to sit down at the desk. I followed after them, sitting between them as I asked: "So, who's first?"

"(Y/N), can I talk to you for a moment?" asked Emma, walking up to me with Norman. Yvette pouted while Phil started to complain. Emma quickly noted: "Norman will help you two." "Okay!" "But we want to play with (Y/N) later."

I smiled as I followed Emma, asking: "Do you need something?" She grinned, saying: "I don't, but Ray does. He's been looking for you." My face took a reddish hue as I said: "I-I see."

For the past six months, Ray and I had been getting closer and closer. So close that I couldn't stop smiling every time I thought of him. Emma pushed me towards the balcony of the next room, saying: "Good luck."

"Wait, what?" I asked, but she had already turned and fled the scene. I looked after her with concern, then turned to face Ray, who was already waiting.

"You called?" I asked, a small smile appearing on my lips. He returned my smile, saying: "I did. There's something I need to ask you." "G-Go ahead." I said, mentally cursing myself for stuttering.

Gently cupping my face, he leaned closer, quietly saying: "(Y/N), I'm so glad that I got you back. You're still the same, and I'm so happy that you are. Because I got to fall in love with you all over. I love you, (Y/N)."

My face flushed red as I tried to form any sentences. "I-I... R-Ray, you... You c-can't just say s-something like... I mean, I-I... I love you, too!" I said, finally able to speak. His smile widened as he leaned even closer, asking: "Let's start from zero, then. Let's make many memories together. How does that sound?"

I closed my eyes, answering: "It sounds lovely." With that, his lips met mine, and it was like a spark appeared. Like the whole world suddenly changed.


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