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3rd Person Pov:

Emma searched all over Carol that was in front of her, trying to find a clue about the tracking device that was implanted somewhere in the baby's body. The little baby girl laughed as Emma did so. Gilda looked at her with a worried expression. Emma had quickly changed Carol into her clothing. She silently said: "Think from the enemy's point of view. Demons won't eat the tracking device. That means it's be in a place where it's easily remov-" "Emma, I..." said Gilda, trying to catch the orange haired girl's attention. "Where?" she asked herself as Gilda said: "...want to ask you something. That night..." Emma put Carol down, turning her head to the side. As she looked behind the ear of the girl, she noticed something. "What's that? A bug bite?" asked Gilda, looking at the mark on the small girl's ear. Emma said: "Mama told me a while ago that this was from when blood was drawn to test for diseases." She put her thumb and index finger around it, feeling something inside of the ear. Her face lit up as she said: "Naila, Phil, Mark, and Conny all had it. On everyone's ear..." Gilda put her hair back a bit, asking: "Mine too?" Emma checked, saying: "It's already gone." "Well, of course. I'm 10, and you're 11." said Gilda. "Yeah. It was way smaller than I thought." "What was?" "Oh! I meant, it was such a small scar that it had already disappeared." said Emma quickly, waving with her hands. "Yeah." Carol then laughed as she held one of Emma's fingers. "I have to protect these kids." she said, full of determination. 

Meanwhile, the Mama of the House was talking to a device. "Scheduled check-in. Scheduled check-in. This is 73584, Plant Three. October 17th. Everything is normal. Now ending transmission." But before she did so, a voice asked: "Isabella?" "Grandma!" "I have a message from the Boss. 'Those four can be shipped out as scheduled, right?'" Isabella took a short, yet sharp breath. The other voice said: "Listen, Isabella. This year, the other plants have overall been bearing poor fruit. Only your plant can deliver the supreme goods that will be offered at the Tifari." "Yes, I've understood that from the beginning. Please give the Boss this message. 'Everything is going fine. You may have any child at any time.'"

(Y/N) Pov:

I flipped the page of the book I was reading. Ray did the same, glancing at me. I smiled, asking: "Something wrong?" He quickly looked away, saying: "No." I giggled lightly, since I saw his cheeks redden up. I don't know why, but it's funny to see him like that. Emma ran past us, kicking a ball further down the grass field. She then held her head, screaming a little. After that, she ran after it. I stretched my arms before standing up. I looked at Ray as he did so, too. We walked next to each other after Emma.

"Yeah, no one would notice this." said Ray as we all touched our left ears. Norman said: "I never knew about a mark from when they took our blood. And it's something that disappears so quickly?" Emma said: "Yeah. I didn't even suspect it at all this whole time. I'm sorry." "No, you did well, Emma." said Norman, smiling at her. I said: "Thanks to you, we now know the location, shape, and size of the tracking device." "We can move to the next step." said Norman. Emma said: "After locating it..." "How to break it." we all said in unison. "What do we do? If we cut it open to inspect it..." asked Norman. Emma said: "If Mama combs through our hair..." "...she'll know immediately." I said: "That's probably why she does it so often. To check if everything is all right with the tracking device." Norman hummed, saying: "Probably." "Yeah." said Ray. "Well, putting that aside to see if we can break it easily or not, the tracking device implanted in us isn't that functionally useful." "What? They aren't?" asked Emma, clearly surprised. Ray answered: "That's because the signal can't specify the individual. Without confirming, she can't tell where we are. If we get close to the gate or walls, it doesn't notify her." "But it's still implanted." said Emma, looking at Ray. "Yeah. And why?" I put my arms behind my back, holding the book with both hands, saying: "They must be confident that they can chase us as long as the tracking device is intact." Norman asked: "Wait. Does that mean if it does notify them, it'd be when the tracking device is destroyed?" "That's a possibility, too." answered Ray. Emma asked: "Meaning?" I answered: "They would be notified only when it's broken. Something like an alarm, maybe." "So if we destroy it, Mama will know immediately?" "Well, if a notification function even exists." said Ray. Norman said: "But thinking that Mama purposely let us know about the existence of the tracking devices... We can't dismiss it so easily." "It's risky to mess with it and break it." "So we can only destroy it when we escape." Emma was clearly shocked and asked: "Then how will we figure out how to break it?" Ray answered: "Well, for that, this shape and size brings something to mind. Can you leave this issue to me?" "Are you sure?" asked Norman. "Yeah." I smiled at him, saying: "So it's decided." He looked at me as Norman spoke. "The only thing left is taking everyone outside with us. The problem is that everyone completely trusts Mama, and they probably won't be able to handle the truth." "Do you think we'll have to lie to them to take them outside?" asked Emma, holding the ball closer to her face. "There's also the problem of insufficient abilities." added Ray. "In simpler terms, they're a hindrance." I put my thumb to my mouth, thinking. There has to a way to practice without them knowing... "Ray!" said Emma, about to throw the ball at him. "But it's the truth. Some aren't good at physical activities, and we have babies who can hardly walk." he said. My eyes lit up as I said: "I have an idea." The three of them looked at me, Norman asking: "What is it?" I smiled, saying: "Tag."


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